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ADS1298: Unable to configure device or to read configuration

Part Number: ADS1298


I have an ADS1298 on a ADS1298ECGFE-PDK eval board. It is powered with 3.0V and 5.0V from a nRF5340 eval board (pin 9 and 10 of J4). The START pin (SPI_START on J3) is hard wired to GND. The /RESET pin (pin 8 on J3) is hard wired to 3.0V.

The SPI clock is configured to be active high, shift the data with the rising edge and capturing the data with the falling edge. The MSB is shifted out first. CS is active low and configured to be asserted way before (~4µs) the first rising edge of the SPI clock. I reduced the SPI clocks speed already to 250kHz.

I am able to start conversions using the START command. /DRDY will be asserted with 500Hz (not the default of 250Hz).

However, I'm not able to read back register configurations. I tried to RESET the device, to WAKEUP the device, to STOP the device. In all cases, there is no response on the SPI output pin. No response after a STOP command:

No response after a reset command:


When I issue a START command, after ~9ms the DRDY pin is asserted a first time and the subsequent RDATA command is responded with data, that is at least != 0:

So, in general, the device seems to be able to receive commands, and is able to output data. 

What am I'm doing wrong here?

best regards
