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I was doing based on the ADS131M04, but with a new requirement I had to pick the ADS131M06.
I would like to have a reference design and as I use Altium too I would like, if it is possible, for the design files of the ADS131M08EVM.
As I saw on the user guide of the eval board, they put a contiunuos plane without star grounding or split on the plane.
For three phase metrology, I was recommended for my last design star grounding with split planes that I tied toguether with a net tie, with a filer cap (like W2F11A1018AT1A), for the AVDD.
It was another IC, and the measurement was pretty good, but have you something you could recommend about the ADS131M08EVM routing? It is just the opposite that I had been told.
Do you think that the designers of ADS131M08EVM routing had in ming low frequency measuerement?
Many thanks in advance,
Hi Roosbel Guaya,
See this reference design for a 3-phase e-meter board using CTs. This board uses the ADS131M08 (8-ch version of the ADS131M06), and the ref design page includes gerber files and firmware