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DAC5688 Configuration: Problem in reading / writing status of DAC5688 Configuration registers.

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC5688, TMS320DM6446


We are using DAC5688 in our design. We are communicating with DAC5688 on SPI but we are not successful. DAC5688 SPI is connected to TMS320DM6446 through FPGA. FPGA is acting as level translator. Physical connection from DSP to FPGA and FPGA to DAC5688 is correct, its monitored and analyzed by oscilloscope and chipscope.

The first step we are doing, enable the DAC5688 SPI as 4 wire interface.

    dac5688_write (CONFIG5, 0x80); // To enable the DAC5688 SPI as 4 wire interface

Then we are trying to read the status of configuration register through SPI but we do not get valid data, always getting zero.

Here is the code

#include "dac5688.h"
#include "spi_dm6446.h"

void main( void )
    short i=0;
    short low_i;
    short hi_i;
    char buff[31];

    spi_init();        // initialize spi in 16bit mode
    dac5688_write (CONFIG5, 0x80); // To enable the DAC5688 SPI as 4 wire interface

    initDAC5688 ();    // initialize dac5688
    dac5688_read_all (buff);    // reads all 31 registers

    // implements sawtooth output from dac5688
    while (1)
        low_i = i & 0x00ff;
        hi_i = i * 0x0100;
        dac5688_write (CONFIG20, low_i);
        dac5688_write (CONFIG21, hi_i);


void spi_init(void)
    SYS_PINMUX1    |= 0x00000100;   

    /* Reset SPI */
    SPI_SPIGCR0 = 0;
    wait( 1000 );

    /* Release SPI */
    SPI_SPIGCR0 = 1;

    /* SPI 4-Pin Mode setup */
    SPI_SPIGCR1 = 0
        | ( 0 << 24 )
        | ( 0 << 16 )
        | ( 1 << 1 )
        | ( 1 << 0 );

    SPI_SPIPC0 = 0
        | ( 1 << 11 )   // DI
        | ( 1 << 10 )   // DO
        | ( 1 << 9 )    // CLK
        | ( 1 << 1 )    // EN1
        | ( 1 << 0 );   // EN0

    SPI_SPIFMT0 = 0
        | ( 0 << 20 )   // SHIFTDIR
        | ( 0 << 17 )   // Polarity : when POL=1 dsp places data at rising edge
        | ( 0 << 16 )   // Phase
        | ( 81 << 8 )    // Prescale (81 for 1.0Mhz)
        | ( 16 << 0 );   // spi word length in bits

    spidat1 = 0
        | ( 0 << 28 )   // CSHOLD
        | ( 0 << 24 )   // Format [0]
        | ( 2 << 16 )   // CSNR   [only CS0 enbled]
        | ( 0 << 0 );   //

    SPI_SPIDAT1 = spidat1;

        | ( 8 << 24 )   // C2TDELAY
        | ( 8 << 16 );  // T2CDELAY

    SPI_SPIDEF = 0
        | ( 1 << 1 )    // EN1 inactive high
        | ( 1 << 0 );   // EN0 inactive high

    SPI_SPIINT = 0
        | ( 0 << 16 )   //
        | ( 0 << 8 )    //
        | ( 0 << 6 )    //
        | ( 1 << 4 );   //

    SPI_SPILVL = 0
        | ( 0 << 8 )    // EN0
        | ( 0 << 6 )    // EN0
        | ( 0 << 4 );   // EN0

    /* Enable SPI */
    SPI_SPIGCR1 |= ( 1 << 24 );

unsigned short spi_cycle( unsigned short v)
    Uint16 result;

  // Clear any old data

  //SPI access cycle
  // Wait for transmit ready
    while ( SPI_SPIBUF & 0x10000000 );
    //wait (0x1000);

  SPI_SPIDAT1 = ( spidat1 & 0x0ffcffff ) | v;

  // Wait for receive data ready
  while ( SPI_SPIBUF & 0x80000000 );

  // Read 1 byte
  result = SPI_SPIBUF;

    return result;



short dac5688_read (char reg_addr)
   // top bit in instruction word is for rd/wr
   // for read operation the bit7 = 1
   short instr = reg_addr | 0x8000;
   return spi_cycle(instr);

void dac5688_read_all (char * buff)
    unsigned short i;
    for (i=0; i<31; i++)
        //buff[i] = 0x00ff & dac5688_read (i);
        buff[i] = dac5688_read (i);

short dac5688_write (char reg_addr, char value)
   short instr = (reg_addr * 0x100) + value;
   return spi_cycle(instr);

short dac5688_read_status (void)
   // top bit in instruction word is for rd/wr
   // for read operation the bit7 = 1
   short instr = 0x8000 | STATUS0;
   return spi_cycle(instr);

void initDAC5688(void)
   char value;
    // CONFIG1 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (1<<6)    //insel_mode[1:0]; Farrukh.. Select A input for both channels
    | (0<<5)    //unused
    | (0<<4)    //synchr_clkin
    | (1<<3)    //twos; Farrukh.. 1=>twos complement
    | (0<<2)    //inv_inclk; Farrukh.. 0=>no inversion
    | (3<<0);   //interp_value[1:0]; Farrukh.. 3=>X8 interpolation
    dac5688_write (CONFIG1, value);
    // CONFIG2 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<7)    //diffclk_ena; Farrukh.. 0=>single ended clock
    | (1<<6)    //clk1_in_ena
    | (0<<5)    //clk1c_ in_ena; Farrukh.. 0=>Pin acts as PLL_LOCK status
    | (0<<4)    //clko_SE_hold
    | (0<<3)    //fir4_ ena
    | (0<<2)    //qmc_ offset_ena
    | (0<<1)    //qmc_ corr_ena
    | (1<<0);   //mixer_ena   
    dac5688_write (CONFIG2, value);   

    // CONFIG3 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<6)    //diffclk_dly(1:0)
    | (0<<4)    //clko_dly(1:0)
    | (0<<0);   //Reserved(3:0)   
    dac5688_write (CONFIG3, value);

    // CONFIG4 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<7)    //ser_dac_ data_ena; Farrukh.. this can be set to test DAC from SPI
    | (0<<5)    //output_delay(1:0)
    | (0<<4)    //B_equals_A
    | (0<<3)    //A_equals_B
    | (0<<2)    //unused
    | (0<<1)    //reva
    | (0<<0);   //revb   
    dac5688_write (CONFIG4, value);   

    // CONFIG5 Register; Farrukh.. Leave at DEFAULT
    value = 0x00
    | (1<<7)    //sif4
    | (0<<6)    //sif_ sync_sig
    | (1<<5)    //clkdiv_sync_ena
    | (0<<4)    //clkdiv_sync_sel
    | (0<<3)    //Reserved
    | (0<<2)    //clkdiv_shift
    | (1<<1)    //mixer_gain
    | (0<<0);   //unused
    dac5688_write (CONFIG5, value);
    // CONFIG6 Register; Farrukh.. Leave at DEFAULT
    value = 0x00;  // phaseoffset(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG6, value);
    // CONFIG7 Register; Farrukh.. Leave at DEFAULT
    value = 0x00;  // phaseoffset(15:8)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG7, value);

    // CONFIG8 Register
    value = 0x0e;  // phaseadd(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG8, value);

    // CONFIG9 Register
    value = 0x2d;  // phaseadd(15:8)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG9, value);

    // CONFIG10 Register
    value = 0xb2;  // phaseadd(23:16)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG10, value);

    // CONFIG11 Register
    value = 0x0d;  // phaseadd(31:24)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG11, value);

    // CONFIG12 Register
    value = 0x00;  // qmc_gaina(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG12, value);
    // CONFIG13 Register
    value = 0x00;  // qmc_gainb(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG13, value);
    // CONFIG14 Register
    value = 0x00;  // qmc_phase(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG14, value);
    // CONFIG15 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<6)    //qmc_phase(9:8)
    | (4<<3)    //qmc_gaina(10:8)   
    | (4<<0);   //qmc_gainb(10:8)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG15, value);

    // CONFIG16 Register
    value = 0x00;  // qmc_offseta(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG16, value);

    // CONFIG17 Register
    value = 0x00;  // qmc_offsetb(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG17, value);
    // CONFIG18 Register
    value = 0x00   
    | (0<<3)    //qmc_offseta(12:8)
    | (0<<2)    //unused
    | (0<<1)    //unused
    | (0<<0);   //unused       
    dac5688_write (CONFIG18, value);
    // CONFIG19 Register
    value = 0x00   
    | (0<<3)    //qmc_offsetb(12:8)
    | (0<<2)    //unused
    | (0<<1)    //unused
    | (0<<0);   //unused       
    dac5688_write (CONFIG19, value);

    // CONFIG20 Register
    value = 0x00;  // ser_dac_data(7:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG20, value);

    // CONFIG21 Register
    value = 0x00;  // ser_dac_data(15:8)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG21, value);

    // CONFIG22 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<6)    //nco_sel(1:0)
    | (1<<4)    //nco_reg_sel(1:0)
    | (1<<2)    //qmcorr_reg_sel(1:0)
    | (1<<0);   //qmoffset_reg_sel(1:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG22, value);

    // CONFIG23 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<7)    //unused
    | (0<<6)    //unused
    | (2<<3)    //fifo_sel(2:0)
    | (1<<2)    //aflag_ sel
    | (0<<1)    //unused
    | (1<<0);   //unused
    dac5688_write (CONFIG23, value);   

    // CONFIG24 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<4)    //fifo_sync_strt(3:0)
    | (0<<3)    //unused
    | (0<<2)    //unused
    | (0<<1)    //unused
    | (0<<0);   //unused
    dac5688_write (CONFIG24, value);
   // CONFIG25 Register is all unused
    // CONFIG26 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<7)    //io_1p8_3p3
    | (0<<6)    //unused
    | (0<<5)    //sleepb
    | (0<<4)    //sleepa
    | (1<<3)    //isbiaslpfb_a
    | (1<<2)    //isbiaslpf_b
    | (0<<1)    //PLL_ sleep
    | (1<<0);   //PLL_ena
    dac5688_write (CONFIG26, value);
    // CONFIG27 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (15<<3)    //coarse_daca(3:0)
    | (15<<0);   //coarse_dacb(3:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG27, value);   
   // CONFIG28 Register is Reserved
    // CONFIG29 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (8<<3)    //PLL_m(4:0)
    | (1<<0);   //PLL_n(2:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG29, value);
    // CONFIG30 Register
    value = 0x00
    | (0<<7)    //PLL_LPF_ reset
    | (0<<6)    //VCO_div2
    | (1<<4)    //PLL_gain(1:0)
    | (1<<0);   //PLL_range(3:0)
    dac5688_write (CONFIG30, value);

Waiting for quick reply, because its delaying our projects.




  • Rafaqat,

    What is the level threshold of the DAC5688 SPI bus? Is it 3.3V or 1.8V? We would recommend to use 3.3V level threshold for the SPI bus.

    Even though there is a setting to change the input threshold detection from 3.3V to 1.8V, it is really meant for DATA Input. CMOS outputs, such as SDO line, remains at 3.3V threshold.

    Also, if you are using 1.8V level threshold, it is possible the device not register the threshold for the SPI bus unless the input threshold is programmed first. However, you will need to first program the device with 3.3V threshold. Ultimately, you will need 3.3V threshold for the SPI bus anyways.

    Pleas specify what is not working and provide oscilloscope shots of the 4 wires on the same plot. To troubleshoot the read process, you can first reset the DAC and program the SPI to do a read. If the waveform on the scope is the expected default DAC register value, then the SPI timing is correct. There may be something else in the code that is causing the error. 


  • Kang,

    What is the level threshold of the DAC5688 SPI bus? Is it 3.3V or 1.8V? We would recommend to use 3.3V level threshold for the SPI bus.

    Level threshold is 3.3V. FPGA is used for level translation between DSP and DAC5688.

    Here is timing diagram of write cylce, which enable the 4-wire SPI.


    Read Cycle (Always getting same response from DAC5688 for all 32 registers)

    Waiting for your response.



  • Rafaqat,

    For some reason the scope plots were not displayed correctly. Could you zip up the files and upload as an attachment?


  • 1538.DAC5688.rar

    Here is the snapshot


    DAC SPI Write Cycle for 4 bit SPI interface.



    DAC read Cycle



    waitinng for your reply.



  • Hello,

    For the write cycle, you are writing to register 0x05 with 0x80 data, and you are reading back register 0x00 with the default value of 0x01. The SPI bus seems to be functioning correctly.

    One thing I noticed is that for the read cycle, you are sending 0x05 on the SPI_DI line at the end. What is the purpose of this 0x05? If this is the read address, then the bits need to be in a different location. The 0x05 address should be the in the instruction cycle instead of the data cycle. This could be the cause of the problem. You can refer to figure 21 of the datasheet for more detail. Currently, you are reading back register 0x00 only, and it is providing the correct register information on SPI_DO line. 



  • Hi ,could you help me to resolve the problem of DAC5688. I use the 4 line mode of SPI . When I send 0x82 to register 0X05  on PSI_SDIO line during wirte operation, however ,I could not read anything back from register 0x05 on sdo line during read operation. my frquency of SCLK is 2 MHz.. Could you help me to check is there anything wrong of time sequence of my operation .

  • Hi Justin,

    Your sequence looks correct. I would suggest that you check setup/hold time of the data and SDENB with respect to the SCLK using a scope. The spec is listed on page 7 of the datasheet. I could not see your waveform's setup/hold time in the simulation plot. Providing scope shot could also help further debug as well. 

    By any chance would the SDO line be shorted to ground? Would the SDO input of your microcontroller be programmed to output instead?
