ADS124S08EVM:Data Analysis doesn't show the data

Part Number: ADS124S08EVM


Dear Technical Support Team,

I installed Delta Sigma ADC EvaluaTIon Software.

I tried data analysis after script 3-Wire RTD, but data Analysis doesn't show the data.

It keeps "Staring data collection...". 

I tried default setting (No script) and do Collet Data, but it doesn't change the data.

Best Regards,



  • Hi ttd,

    Can you read and write registers in the GUI main page correctly? Can you send an image of that page?

    You can see in the bottom left of the image you sent that it says "Could not connect to main client". Therefore, data analysis will not work until we resolve that issue


  • Hi Bryan,

    Thank you for your reply.

    For example, when I change the INPMUX to some value via Resister Controls(GUI) and Push "Write Defaults",

    Then status of lower left shows "Resting resisters to default value" and return hardware connected ready.

    It seems to work correctly to change register.

    If I need to install patch files, please let me know.

    "Starting data collection" after Collect data, it doesn't show any data wait for few minutes. 

    Best Regards,


  • Hi ttd,

    The GUI works by using a main application that collects data, and a separate application used to perform the data analysis. These two applications have to communicate over a TCP/IP socket to share information.

    It is possible there is another program that is using the socket that the GUI is trying to use (it is hard-coded, so the GUI socket cannot be changed).

    You can try to close other programs you have running to free up the socket, or you can try a different computer and see if that works.

    If this is not the issue, in some cases uninstalling and then reinstalling the GUI can help. Make sure that the EVM is not plugged in, and that you install the DS Eval Software before installing the EVM plugin

    Finally, keep in mind that the Data Capture screen you are showing will collect 2048 samples. The default data rate is 20 SPS, so if you don't change anything and just hit "Collect Data", the GUI will require 2048 * (1/20) = 102.4 seconds to collect all of the data. If you start clicking other buttons during this time, the GUI will freeze. Therefore I would also suggest changing either the ADC data rate or the number of samples to collect before starting conversions.


  • Hi Bryan,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I see GUI shows data after Collect Data. When it works, left below of GUI shows "Connected to main app. Read..".

    In my case, connected pt-100 with 3-wire mode and RUN "3-wire RTD" script(Not step).

    Then D3 LED shows red and script log shows "Running self offset calibration". GUI seems to keep this step.

    After that,  push "Collect Data". During collecting data, D2 is blinking and D3 shows red.


    Script is finished correctly?

     Should GUI do "DELAY 500" on console  after SFOCAL?


    What the meaning of showing D3(RED)?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi ttd,

    The delay commands are not captured in the console because these aren't commands sent to the ADC. They just pause the GUI for 500 milliseconds so the longer commands e.g. SFOCAL, can complete.

    D3 red means START pin is high, D2 flashing green means data is being collected from the ADC.
