ADS7040: The sink and source current of ADS7040

Part Number: ADS7040


Hi Experts,

This is Skylar responsible for GREE.

1. Could you pls tell me the sink and source current of SDO of ADS7040? 

2.  Here is the sch as below. The sink and source current of CLK and CS of M0G1506 is 6mA.

a. Could you pls help check what the exact value of R1 that ADS7040 could support (the range of R1 is welcome)

b. Could you pls help check what value of R2 and R3 could work? The ds of opto-coupler is attached.




  • Hi Skylar,

    1. The digital I/O of the ADS7040 can sink and source a maximum of 2mA

    2a. The value of R1 won't impact the operation of the ADS7040 since it is on the other side of the opto-isolator

    2b. R2 will be dependent on the current the transistor needs at its base to conduct. For R3, 1k ohm seems to be within the correct range, but this might have to be adjusted depending on the properties of the transistor and how fast the transitions occur.
