DAC8760EVM: operation with Windows 10 or 11

Part Number: DAC8760EVM


Dear Technical Support Team,

According to the DAC8760EVM user guide, it operates Widows 7.

I'd like to use  DAC8760EVM with Windows 10 or 11.

Is it operate correctly?

Best Regards,


  • TTD,

    The DAC8760EVM software GUI was released sometime around 2013. This means that the GUI was developed in the Windows 7 environment, before Windows 10 or 11 were introduced. 

    That being said, I've certainly used the DAC8760EVM GUI in the Windows 10 environment without any problems. I recently started running on Windows 11, and I think I've used the DAC8760EVM GUI in this environment. I would not expect any problems running on either system,

    Joseph Wu