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TX7332: TX7332 output pattern and power capabilities

Part Number: TX7332



I have a few technical questions about TX7332 output capabilities: 

  1. Can TX7332 support different pattern profiles per channel? That is, can it transmit unique patterns on different channels at the same time?

  2. How long can TX7332 support 5W per channel output time-averaged power? I’m wondering this since it appears that the IC can support peak power of up to 100V*1.2A, but am not sure at what point thermal shutdown would occur for different power levels. 

  3. What output fundamental frequencies can TX7332 support? Can TX7332 support 600kHz and 200kHz center frequencies if I wanted to output square waves, for example? 



  • Hi,

    Please find my reply below for your questions:

    1. Even though the device has multiple pattern profiles, the selection of a pattern profile for transmit is common for a group of 16 channels (1-16 or 17 to 32).
    2. To calculate this, you can refer to the section "Thermal Information" in the datasheet, where we have provided the thermal resistance of the device, in degC/W. This is around 20.8C/W. This means that for every 1W of power dissipation, the average device temperature increases by ~20.8C. The device shutdown temperature is ~110degC. Based on the above 2 numbers, you can calculate the maximum average power dissipation possible, without the device going to shutdown. If the system has an ambient temperature of 30C, the maximum possible increase in temperature is 80C, without triggering shutdown. This translates to ~3.85W. 
    3. Yes, low frequency pattern can be programmed to the device.

    Thanks and Regards
