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Part Number: ADS1278EVM-PDK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1278



here is a detailed description of which parts I am using and what my problem is:

I'm using the ADS1278EVM-PDK eval board (An older version from 2011, can be seen on atached photo).

The eval board is also connected to the MMB0 motherboard. The Motherboard is only connected to power and not also to the software via USB, since I want to create a different external communication directly from the eval board. 

When setting all the switches and jumpers to SPI mode (in all different configurations) the communication does not seem to work correctly. The main problem seems to be the FSYNC/DRDY pin on the chip itself, as it only stays low or high depending on the configuration and does not act as some sort of SPI chip select as I understand it should from the datasheet. The onboard clock works, as do the Digital out pins that output some data, but without the FSYNC/DRDY pin working as the SPI chip select I do not know how to parse the continous digital data coming out.

It may also be relevant that the board works completely fine in the FS mode and connected via USB to the TI software.

TLDR: I would like to use the eval boad in SPI mode without the motherboard (or only using the power from the motherboard) and connect the output to some other device for digital data reading (for example raspberrypi).

  • Hello Nik,

    Welcome to the TI E2E community.

    The ADFS1278EVM-PDK is not easy to interface to a separate controller board, but it can be done.

    In order to use standalone, the SPI lines from the MMB0 board must be disconnected from the daughter board, otherwise you will have contention between the MMB0 and your controller board.  Other customers have removed the daughter board from the MMB0 board and used wire jumpers between the two boards to provide power only, and then used jumpers for the SPI port between the daughter board (ADS1278EVM) and the controller board.  Below is another e2e link where this was successfully done.

    With everything correctly powered and configured in SPI mode, with no SPI communications (SCLK idle low), the ADS1278 should be in continuous conversion mode, with the /DRDY line pulsing at the output data rate.

    Using the onboard 27MHz oscillator, CLKDIV=1 (connected to IOVDD), MODE Selection = 00 (connected to ground), you should see /DRDY repeating at 105468 sps.  On /DRDY falling edge, you should then activate SCLK and read data on the DOUT1 pin.  For 8 channels and 24b per channel, you will need to send a total of 192 SCLKs.  After reading all channel data, leave SCLK low and wait for the next /DRDY falling edge to read the next conversion result.

    In order to read all 8 channels using a single SPI port, you will need to use TDM mode; make sure all FORMAT pins are low (connected to ground) to enable this mode.

    The ADS1278EVM can require some trial and error to get everything configured correctly.  I suggest using a scope or DMM to verify all configuration pin states, and verify that the 27MHz oscillator is actually connected to the CLK pin of the ADS1278.  Once you see the /DRDY working at the correct frequency of 105468 sps, then you can work on getting your code working to transfer the data over the SPI connections.  (SCLK, DOUT1, and /DRDY usually connected to an interrupt pin or can be software polled).

    Keith Nicholas
    Precision ADC Applications

  • Thank you for the fast reply.

    When configuring everything as described: S3 right (onboard ref), S6 up (SPI mode), S2 everything down (ground) except CLKDIV is up (VDD), JP1 and JP2 open and all the power pins connected via jumper cables to MMB0, the SCLK pin already provides a clock signal with a 27MHz frequency. I'm not sure I understand what you mean with activate SCLK as it seems activated upon powerup in this setup. I'm guessing you meant pulling the SCLK signal to low from outside to keep it in 'idle mode' as you describe it, but I am not sure about that since the CLK pin is connected to SCLK so both would be low? The DREADY signal stays always high in this setup.

    Also nothing except a scope is connected to the output pins of the eval. board in my setup.


    Nik Krevelj

  • Hello Nik,

    For SPI mode, the SCLK pin should not be connected to the CLK pin.  SCLK should be provided by your MCU.  You will need to track down why the SCLK pin is driven by the clock, otherwise you will not be able to get SPI working.

    Also, with the CLK present on the CLK pin of the ADS1278 device, you should see /DRDY actively toggling at the data rate you have configured.

    By the way, this EVM board is now obsolete; we have moved to a new version of the ADS1278EVM which is easier to use in stand-alone mode with an external processor board.  I would suggest looking at this new board if possible.


  • Thank you for your help! 

    The problem was that the SCLK pin wasn't connected directly to ground but was floating, that meant it wasn't really low, so the DRDY pin couldn't work. I also made a mistake when creating notes from the datasheet and accidentally switched test points for CLK and SCLK (TP6 and TP8) - they were actually working correctly meaning CLK was 27MHz and SCLK wasn't driven and was floating. Now that I connected SCLK to ground the DRDY pin is low and goes high at 105ksps. 

    Now I can connect the board to the external MCU and start testing my code for SPI communication.

    Thank you very much again for the fast and very helpful replies!

    Best regards,

    Nik Krevelj 

  • You are welcome!