I am using this ADC to measure low voltage for a particular detector. In my design, the configuration is AVDD 2.5V, AVSS -2.5V, External Ref 1.25V, Sync 4, 32 Gain.
With help of Mr, Keith Nicholas, I could gain a lot of confidence in my design and could conclude that
ENOB = 23.4, Noise Free Bits = 21.5 and Resolution = 4.7nV
The minimum detectable/measurable voltage = 27nV P-P (7nV RMS)
Now I would like to clear out two more confusions related to this
1) If noise-free bits are 21.5, then what is the significance of specifying ENOB as it is of no use? I am curious to know, can we improve NFBs to reach ENOBs by doing any further offline processing like filtering or coherent averaging?
2) Table 8.2 of the datasheet of ADS1262, whether or not it is with Chop mode on? If Table 8.2 is with chope mode off, and if we enable it, will the noise be further reduced by a factor of 1.4, as mentioned in section 8.8 Noise Performance in the datasheet?
Seeking comments to resolve the above two queries.