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ADS1298 Software issues

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1298


I am working with ADS1298 ECGFE for evaluating EEG signals and have downloaded the required software.
I am facing two problems:

- On executing the software after connecting the USB device,it shows the error 6004 stating 'an error occured with error code 6004<ERR>no error / ads1298evm/data'
Can you guide me how to please debug it?

- I want to record some eeg signals using the software.Since I am a beginner can you guide me how to get the signals recorded.


  • Shobhit -

    When you say "executing the software after connecting the USB device", what specifically are you doing?  Is the software installed on a Win7 machine?  Are the jumpers in the correct locations?

    A good place to start, is the user guide, which can be found in the product folder at  This will detail the jumper configuration settings and how to record the collected data to a file.

  • Hey Greg,

    By executing the software I meant running the ADS1298 ECGFE software after connecting the power and the USB.
    i am using Windows 7.
    I have checked the jumper and power settings and they seem to be correct.
    Would you recommend Windows XP and assuming that I have to run on Windows 7 itself,do I have to get any extra drives installed before I can get that running.

    Thanks and regards,

  • Shobhit -

    ADS1298ECG-FE software is not supported on Win7 yet.  We are planning to update this soon, but WinXP is currently the only OS suported for this software.