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Find the TSW1400evm & ADS4449evm Sample source?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS4449EVM, ADS4449, ADS58H40

Find the TSW1400evm & ADS4449evm Sample source.
TSW1400evm & ADS4449evm by the board as a reference, is developing a new board.
Published firmware (Verilog code) is able to combine various ADC.
If "defines.vh" to modify the download file does not capture data as normal.
Please, find the source of the Verilog code ADS4449 & TSW1400EVM.
This development has been too slow.
Thank you^^
Jeongwon, Kang

  • Kang,

    After reading this post, it is very hard to understand what you are asking for. Do you need the TSW1400EVM firmware source code?



  • Jim.

    I need something that fits TSW1400EVM Firmware source code.

    I do not know what to do to fix the firmware source ( "TSW1400 ADC and DAC Firmware Quartus Projects") ?

    I need the ADS4449EVM & TSW1400EVM Firmware Source Code

    Please help ^^



  • Kang,

    Go the TSW1400EVM product folder on the TI website and you can download the firmware from here.



  • Thank you


    1. Download the firmware between the TI web.

    2.  Modify the "defines.vh" file of the Source..


    `define    INTERFACE_ID   8'd14


    `define   ADC_BM0                `ADS58H40_BM0

    `define        DUAL_BUS_ADC        

    3. compile in Quartus.
    4.  .rbf convert files.
    5.  TSW1400evm download is complete.
    6.  ADS4449 Select Capture and press the button.
    7.  The waveform is broken.

    * existing “C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Texas Instruments \ High Speed Data Converter Pro \ 1400 Details \ Firmware” folder in the "ADC_SAMPLE_WISE_4CH.rbf" file you downloaded to the normal operation.

    **Find the Source Code of ** "ADC_SAMPLE_WISE_4CH.rbf"

    Once again thank you^^



  • Kang,

    What is your problem or what are you trying to do? I can run an ADS4449EVM using my setup with no problem.



  •  Thank you for your response.

    Dear Jim,

    It proceeded by way of the following methods:

    1. Download the firmware between the TI web.

    2.  Modify the "defines.vh" file of the Source..


    `define    INTERFACE_ID   8'd14


    `define   ADC_BM0                `ADS58H40_BM0

    `define        DUAL_BUS_ADC        

    3. compile in Quartus.
    4.  .rbf convert files.
    TSW1400evm download is complete.
    ADS4449 Select Capture and press the button.
    7.  The waveform is broken.

    Is this order, correct?

    Please let me know the correct method.


    Best Regards.

  • 1738.TSW1400_LVDS_ADS58H40_QAR.zipKang,

    This device used another version of source code, which I have attached. Please give this a try.




    Thank you for your response.

    Dear Jim,

    Test photos (TSW1400EVM & ADS4449EVM)

    • Sample Frequency: 250MHz

      Ch A input Frequency: 1MHz


    1. Download the firmware(

    2. Compile in Quartus.


    3.  .rbf convert files.


    4. In the "HSDC Pro" "new.rbf" download is complete.

    5. Select the "HSDC Pro" "ADS58H40-14b" in the press the Capture button.


      6.  The wavefome error.

    • "HSDC Pro" in the results when downloading the "ADC_SAMPLE_WISE_4CH.rbf"

      (C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\1400 Details\Firmware Folder)


    Please let me know the correct method.


    Best Regards.


  • Kang,

    We have cross verified the ‘ADC_SAMPLE_WISE_4CH’ rbf file and the rbf file generated earlier with p4 revision for ADS58H40 and these two files are matching. So, we believe the firmware source should be correct.


    We have also identified from the snapshots shared by you, that you are using Quartsu II v13.1. But, we were creating QAR archive from Quartus II 14.0. So, we don’t know if the down conversion is causing this issue.


    To verify this, we have built the rbf file (attached) with the QAR file shared previously. Please check with this rbf file, if it works then you may want to update to Quartus II v14.0, as we don’t know the patches that has to be applied for Quartus II v13.1 to fix some Quartus old version issues.




  • Jim

    Use Quatus 14.0 version solves problems
    Thank you very much. ^^

    Best Regards.