Tool/software: Linux
We are designing a 5 wire touch interface to our sitara processor using ad7845, need to clarify the below:
1) what should be connected to the "WIPER" pin id AD7845? whats its functionality, is it used in detecting touch co-ordinates?
2) The Touch panel from amtouch has these 5 pinouts,
a) UL
b) UR
c) Sense
d) LL
d) LR
I'm aware that Sense signal from touch panel goes low we the touch is detected on the panel, how ever PENIRQ# signal from AD7845 also goes low when touch is detected. Which signal should is use for Pen down IRQ? Can i safely rely on PENIRQ# signal of AD7845 for interrupt assignment?
3) I have connected VREF pin of AD7845 with VCC(3.3V), Is is correct for my application?
4) AUXIN pin of AD7845 is made NC(No connect), Is is correct for my application?
5) We are using TI Processor SDK 3.0 with linux kernel 4.4.12, Does this version has the driver support of AD7845?
Waiting eagarly for you Kind help.. pls do the needful at the earliest.