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ADC12D1600QML-SP: Screening and Qualification Tests

Part Number: ADC12D1600QML-SP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12D1620QML-SP

I am evaluating ADC12D1600CCMLS for use on a NASA mission that requires microcircuits to conform to EEE-INST-002 Level 1 (section M3). Although the ADC12D1600QML-SP part number family contains the term "QML", it does not have a 5962* part number so it's unclear which MIL-PRF-38535 QML class the flight part conforms to (if any). Therefore it is unclear what testing is performed for screening and qualification.

Screening: I need to know whether each test listed below is performed as a part of the standard screening flow for ADC12D1600CCMLS, and what test method [e.g. from MIL-STD-883] is used. I have seen the TI document called "Testing and Inspection of QML Class Q Ceramic Devices" which shows the screening flow diagram for Class M and Class B devices, but I haven't seen any documentation showing that ADC12D1600CCMLS conforms to the screening flow in that document. I need confirmation whether the tests listed below are performed on 100% of parts in every lot of ADC12D1600CCMLS parts. Hoping you could send me a sample screening traveler or a sample of a screening record that’s already been filled out for a past lot.

  • Wafer lot acceptance
  • Nondestructive bond pull
  • Internal visual inspection
  • Temperature Cycling
  • Constant acceleration (e.g. centrifuge)
  • PIND
  • Radiographic inspection
  • Serialization
  • Initial Electrical measurements
  • Burn-in
  • Final electrical measurements
  • Delta between initial and final electrical measurements
  • Percent defective allowable (is there a limit for a manufactured lot?)
  • Hermetic seal: Fine leak, Gross leak
  • External visual

Qualification: TI technical support sent me a document called "FMQR New Package Qual ADC12D1620" which has some information. The document shows records of these qualification tests for ADC12D1600CCMLS:

  • Resistance to solvents
  • Bond strength
  • Die attach strength (shear test)
  • Solderability
  • Life test, 1000 hours

I need to know whether these remaining EEE-INST-002 Level 1 qualification tests were ever done for qualification, and what test method [e.g. from MIL-STD-883] was used. Or perhaps are these done as screening tests as a lot-based qualification?

  • Hermetic seal: Fine leak, Gross leak- Was ADC12D1600CCMLS perhaps qualified via a different part number’s package?
  • Thermal Shock
  • Temperature Cycling
  • Moisture resistance - Was ADC12D1600CCMLS perhaps qualified via a different part number’s package?
  • Shock
  • Vibration
  • Constant acceleration (e.g. centrifuge)
  • Residual Gas Analysis and/or Internal Water Vapor - Was ADC12D1600CCMLS perhaps qualified via a different part number’s package?
  • Adhesion of lead finish - Was ADC12D1600CCMLS perhaps qualified via a different part number’s package?
  • Lid torque - Was ADC12D1600CCMLS perhaps qualified via a different part number’s package?

  • Hi Jamie

    Thanks for contacting us. We do have a plan to submit for a 5962* number for this device and for the ADC12D1620CCMLS but that has not been completed yet.

    I have attached an example PCR report for a prior ADC12D1600CCMLS lot shipment. Hopefully that will answer a lot of your questions. 


    Please note the ADC12D1620QML-SP is feature/function compatible with the ADC12D1600QML-SP. It used the same IC die, but has an updated package substrate design (same external package details, pinout, etc.). The updated package substrate, which connects the IC die to the package columns improves the ADC dynamic performance significantly especially at higher input frequencies. We highly recommend all customers designing new systems target the ADC12D1620QML-SP to enable the best possible performance. (The ADC12D1620CCMLS has an identical processing flow.)

    Best regards,

    Jim B

  • Hi Jim,

    Thank you for this information! This is extremely helpful. I have passed along the information about ADC12D1620QML-SP to my team. Just a few more questions...
    1. I noticed there is no non-destructive wire bond pull test. Are there any wire bonds in the ADC12D1600QML-SP device?
    2. Is it possible to purchase ADC12D1600CCMLS with read/record data?

    Thanks again for your assistance.
  • Oops, forgot to add one more thing...
    On the test report you included in your reply, the Group D summary report (page 4) is missing references the Notes column and the quantity tested/rejected column (looks like it was cut off the page). Is there a copy of that report with this information included?
  • Hi Jamie

    You are correct the file I attached earlier was cut off. The version below is complete:


    Regarding your earlier questions.

    1) There is a bond strength test as part of the Group B screening, item B5. There are wire-bonds connecting the IC die to the package-substrate.

    2) TI does not normally provide read and record data.

    Best regards,

    Jim B 

  • Hi Jim,

    Thank you for the complete test report and the additional information. Two final questions...

    1. This will help with NASA approval on lack of nondestructive wire bond testing at screening: You mentioned TI plans to apply for a 5962* number for ADC12D1600CCMLS... What would be the full 5962* part number? If ADC12D1620CCMLS will also get a 5962* part number, please provide that too.
    2. Is it still possible to get read/record data, e.g. if we paid an extra fee? If so what's the best route to do that? Is it possible to get the read/record data for an extra fee when we buy from an approved supplier, or would we have to buy from TI directly, or can we buy from an approved supplier and ask for the read/record data from TI once we know what lot we've purchased from? [This is for a mission with extreme conditions so NASA wants all data possible on microcircuits.]

    Your help is again much appreciated.

    -Jamie Albin

  • Hi Jamie

    I'm not aware of any 5962* part numbers being assigned yet. I will make further inquiries on this topic.

    I will also look into possibilities to provide read/record data with an associated extra fee. If you can share the approximate schedule and quantity of devices needed that will help with our internal discussions. If you prefer to share this information outside the E2E forum we can take the discussion off-line.

    Best regards,

    Jim B