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TLC2543: TLC2543 Errors (INL, DNL, Offset, Gain, Total)

Part Number: TLC2543


in the datasheet of the TLC2543 the following maximum error values are given :

-Linearity Error = +/-1LSB

- Differential Linearity Error = +/-1LSB

- Offset Error = +/-1.5LSB

- Gain Error = +/-1LSB

- Total Unadjested Error = +/-1.75LSB

Those maximum values are given at 25°C or on the operating free-air temperature range of the component ?

If it is given at 25°C, what is the temperature variation of those errors ?

At 25°C, do you have a random distribution of those errors as for example :

the total error follows a gaussian law and 99.7% (3sigma) of the ADC have a total error of +/-1LSB ?

Best regards,

Nicolas Divel

  • Hello Nicolas,

    The above specifications are over the free-air operating range. As an example,the TLC2543I version specs would apply over -40C to 85C.

    I do not have any data available at 25C, but the above specifications are guaranteed, which means we test them in production (~100% of population will meet these specs). The typical values are generally much less, but a safe assumption would be to use 4sigma for the Offset, Gain, and TUE errors. For example, you can assume a typical offset error of 0.375LSB (68.3% of population).

    The TI Precision Labs may be of interest; take a look at this specific lab covering Error Analysis and Statistics.

    Thank you,
    Keith N.
    Precision ADC Applications