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DAC3482EVM: DAC3482EVM internal PLL ?

Part Number: DAC3482EVM


I operated EVM in external mode.

How can I use internal PLL to drive DAC3482EVM?

Clock : 245.76Mhz x 4(interpolation),

interpolation : x4

Internal PLL is used.

Thank you.

  • Henry,

    You may use the attached configuration file for DAC3484, 4x interpolation, 983.04MSPS sampling as a starting point to understand PLL configuration. You can then make slight adjustments to your DAC3482 configuration for dual DAC (either 16-bit bus or 8-bit bus LVDS interface) configuration.

       x00	   xF288
       x01	   x0100
       x02	   x8052
       x03	   xA001
       x04	   xFFFF
       x05	   x0000
       x06	   x3600
       x07	   xFFFF
       x08	   x0000
       x09	   x8000
       x0A	   x0000
       x0B	   x0000
       x0C	   x05A6
       x0D	   x05A6
       x0E	   x05A6
       x0F	   x05A6
       x10	   x0000
       x11	   x0000
       x12	   x0000
       x13	   x0000
       x14	   x0000
       x15	   x07D0
       x16	   x0000
       x17	   x07D0
       x18	   x205F
       x19	   x10F4
       x1A	   x4820
       x1B	   x0800
       x1C	   x0000
       x1D	   x0000
       x1E	   x1188
       x1F	   x8882
       x20	   x2400
       x22	   x1B1B
       x23	   x001F
       x24	   x1000
       x25	   x7A7A
       x26	   xB6B6
       x27	   xEAEA
       x28	   x4545
       x29	   x1A1A
       x2A	   x1616
       x2B	   xAAAA
       x2C	   xC6C6
       x2D	   x0000
       x2E	   x0000
       x2F	   x0000
       x30	   x61A8
       x7F	   x0001
    CDCE62005 Registers
    Address	Data
    00		80400000
    01		811C0321
    02		81400302
    03		81040303
    04		00040304
    05		38101A85
    06		04BF1F66
    07		151877F7
    08		20001808


  • HI KANG.

    How do I set up in the GUI in the DAC3482EVM?

    What is the clock input to J9?

    I need a PLL value to set in the GUI.

    I need to set the value in the GUI in the DAC3482EVM.

    Thank you.

  • Henry,

    the file attached has the EVM CDCE62005 in PLL mode with clock to the DAC3484 at 983.04MHz. It is self generating

    You may then configure the DAC to divide down the 983.04MHz and then upconvert again to 983.04MHz PLL for the DAC3484 on-chip PLL

    You may see the following plot for example

  • HI. KANG

    External works well. However, we must use internal PLL.

    Internal PLL does not work well in DAC3482EVM.

    when PLL reset is set PLL LOCK LED turns on.

    I do not understand.

    J9 did not input REF_CLK.

    Below are the GUI settings and output.

    Please Check.

    Thank you

  • Hello Henry,

    For the PLL mode that I send you, there is no need to apply clock to J9 as the CDCE62005 is self generating the 983.04MHz clock to the DAC3482. The CDCE62005 itself is a clock multiplier using the 19.2MHz crystal to create the 983.04MHz clock.

    you may then use the 983.04MHz clock as reference to the DAC3482 PLL. The PLL can take the 983.04MHz, and then divide and multiply to generate the on-chip 983.04MHz clock. (note: this is not how people typically use the DAC3482 PLL. This is purely for testing purpose. You may later change the clock from the CDCE62005 to lower reference like 245.76MHz or 491.52MHz, and then change the DAC3482 M/N divider ratio to generate the 983.04MHz clock.)

    The PLL reset should not be used. This fixed the PFD loop filter voltage at half the VCO bias, and disable any locking capability. You should uncheck this button.

    Also, the OSTR signal in PLL mode is the PLL PFD frequency. You will need to consider the PLL PFD as the new OSTR signal. For testing purpose, I recommend you disable the use of the OSTR signal. The two diagrams below show my setup:

    I have circled the change from OSTR to frame signal to relax the OSTR (PFD) requirement.