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Part Number: ADS7953
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320F28379D


from datasheet i checked that CS pin has to be switch for each frame in any mode to get data, but what will happen if i make CS pin low for first time and then keep it low and continuously provide clock pulses to read all 16 channels ? (16*16 clock pulses). will i get all channel value or will get dummy data ?


Nilesh koladiya


  • Nilesh,

    I'm sorry, there isn't enough documentation available to me to know what happens when the /CS pin stays low and doesn't separate the data frames.

    My guess is that the device doesn't go through the data for the separate channels. In the timing diagram, there is a requirement that the /CS is high for at least 20ns (tw1 from figure 2) between frames. This probably allows the ADC to shift the data to the SDO register so that data can be clocked out.

    Joseph Wu

  • Hi Joseph,
    Thank for your quick reply,
    i am using TMS320F28379D controller , i want to read all 16 channels in auto1 mode so i used FIFO mode and pushed all 16 words. in this case CS pin is low for all 16word read time duration .
    is there any way to make high to low CS pin at starting of each word ?

    Nileshkumar koladiya
  • Nilesh,

    I can only really point to the datasheet about the use of /CS to separate the communication frames and that there is a minimum time stated in the datasheet for the /CS pulse. I don't know of the timing issues by not using the /CS to separate the word frames.

    As for the question about the TMS320F28379D controller, I'm sure that there is a way to use /CS to separate the different word frames, but I don't know how it works in that microcontroller. For questions about that, I would post in the C2000 microcontroller forum. A link can be found below:

    Joseph Wu