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DDC112: Can a capacitance out of 12.5pF~250pF range be used for the external cap?

Part Number: DDC112

 Hello guys,

 One of my customers is considering using DDC112 for their new products.

 They have a few questions as the follows. Could you please give me your replies?

 Q. When RANGE0 is selected (RANGE1/2/3 terminal = ALL"L" level) , DDC112 is into the external capacitor mode.

       In case of this mode, TABLE 1 on page 9 of the device datasheet (SBAS085B) recommends to use a 12.5pF~250pF capacitor as a typical for the eternal cap.

       Can a capacitance out of of the range be used for the external cap?

       What is happen when the capacitance is used?

       Do you have any Min/Max capacitonce value for the external?

    .  Your reply would be much appreciated.

 Best regards,
