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ADS8674: Not able to select channel input range

Part Number: ADS8674

Dear support team,

I communicate with the ADS8674 via a Raspberry Pi and the spidev package in Python and I am able to read the channels correctly.

E.g. for reading Channel 0 I send the 4 bytes [0xc0,0,0,0] and I receive the correct bytes for an applied test voltage.

However, I am not able to change the Channel Input Range. According to the Program Register Map in the manual the 3 bytes to send should be (e.g for range 1): [0xb,0x1,0]

since the first 7 bits are 0x5 (for channel 0) and the 8th is the read/write bit (= 1) which is then 0xb. (reading would be 0xa)

However, I receive the bytes [0,3,0].

If I now want to read Channel 0 again I receive first [0,0,255,255], and if I request the Channel again I get the same values with the default range select (which has to be range 0)

Reading the select channel by [0xa,0x0,0x0] returns [0,2,0]

I checked the digital voltages of CS,CLK,SDI and SDO via an oscilloscope and for me it seems correct. Also I am able to read the different channels correctly so I don't know what I am doing wrong.
