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Help with 12/16 bits ADC

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS131M08, ADS131E08, ADS131M04

Hi there,

i need to build a system to measure energy of three individual phases (60Hz) of AC Voltage. So, i'm looking for a Texas Instruments 12/16 bits resolution ADC, min 3 channels. Unfortunately i don't know any TI's ADC.

Can you suggest any ADC (with evaluation board)? 

thanks for any help!


  • Frederico,

    If you're measuring 3 individual phases, would you need to measure current and voltage for all three?

    I think that the ADS131M08 is likely the best fit for the application. I think the ADS131E08 would also be a candidate for you as well. Look over those devices. If they don't fit what you have in mind, post more details about what you need from your ADC.

    Joseph Wu

  • Joseph,

    i appreciate your answer. I'll study the ADS131M08.

    In fact, my knowledge about  ADC is very small. However, i'm trying to learn it. Thus, i thought of a small project to monitor electric power of our datacenter.

    Our energy is 3 phases (380V)... 

    If you have a suggest of literature about ADC, i'll appreciate.

    Thanks a lot.


  • Fred,

    I would start by looking over the following TI Design:

    It shows a design measuring energy for a single phase power using the ADS131M04, which is the four channel version of the eight channel ADS131M08. It isn't exactly the same, but it should be close enough to give you a starting point for how to proceed (assuming this application is close enough to yours.

    Joseph Wu