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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC32RF80EVM, ADC32RF45, ADC12DJ3200EVM, ADC12DJ3200

If there is a pulse signal whose frequency spectrum is 0-1GHz,can I use ADC32RF80EVM to sampling? how should i operate? In the HSDC pro ,when I use 4X decimation, the frequency range is maxmun to737.28 MHz in display, does it mean ADC32RF80EVM can only sample 0-700MHz frequency?

  • Please see below.  --RJH

    If there is a pulse signal whose frequency spectrum is 0-1GHz,can I use ADC32RF80EVM to sampling? how should i operate?

    RJH>> You can't see 1 GHz of instantaneous BW with the 'RF80 due to the decimation.  You would need something like the ADC32RF45 which allows DDC bypass so that you can utilize full ~1.5 GHz of Nyquist BW; however, this device is export control due to its speed to places like China.  Instead, you can use the 'RF80 with two different NCO settings.  The device has two NCOs that can be programmed to two different frequencies and then you can switch quickly between the two.  For example, one NCO could be set to ~300 MHz and the second to ~700 MHz   When switching between the two you can monitor over a full GHz of BW.

    In the HSDC pro ,when I use 4X decimation, the frequency range is maxmun to737.28 MHz in display, does it mean ADC32RF80EVM can only sample 0-700MHz frequency?

    RJH>> With 4x decimation, the data rate is 737.28 MSPS.  The decimation filtering allows for ~80% of usuable BW; hence, you can use about (737.28 * 0.8 =) 600 MHz of BW.  You can position that 600 MHz of BW anywhere in the spectrum with the NCO.

  • Thanks for anwering.

    I am confused about the two NCOs setting. Do you mean the parameters I circled in the below picture?

    And what about ADC12DJ3200EVM , what's the frequency  spectrum range,can it reach to 3.2GHz?

  • The NCOs are actually the one labelled ChA DDC0 NCO1/2/3. There are actually 3 NCOs, but you would only need to use 2.  One box shows the SPI register code and the  other box shows the corresponding frequency in MHz.  CHA NCO Select determines which of the 3 NCOs is engaged.

    The ADC12DJ3200 can operate as a single 6.4 GHz ADC.  With DDC bypassed, the useable BW is up to 3.2 GHz.


  • Thanks for answering.

    As you mentioned in first answer:one NCO could be set to ~300 MHz and the second to ~700 MHz   When switching between the two you can monitor over a full GHz of BW. Do you mean I should set as the picture below?

    There are some diference between the third box in description, one means ChA  NCO Seclect, another means ChA LMFC Reset Mode, and the others mean CHA NCO PIN INSEL, I am confused about it. There some selections when I dropdowm each third box, how can I choose them?

  • Yes, the NCO set-up is good.

    The LMFC (Local Multi-Frame Clock) Reset mode selection determines how the internal NCOs are synchronized.  You can leave it in the default state to reset on every LMFC.
