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TX7332EVM: Scripting using custom Python code

Part Number: TX7332EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TX7332

Hello, I am trying to use python file that come with the EVM installation under:TX7332 EVM\Scripts

and I was not able to read or write from the registers using the functions: "write_register" "read_register" in TX7332 file,

its seems that I don't use the right PortNumber when I'm initiating the class.

how can I get the right port number of the device and use those function to operate the device?

my source code is very simple and is attached. 


import TX7332_EVM

def main():
    i = TX7332_EVM.Device_GUI('TX7332_test',float(3370))
    print (reg)
if __name__ == "__main__":