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DAC7571: Voltage Output Repeatability

Part Number: DAC7571

We have to re-calirate an Sensoramplifier once a day, therefore we want to use the DAC7571 to create an analog "referenz" signal . 
-> 12-Bit DAC7571 at exact 3,0000V and 25,00°C,
-> always use the same DAC, on the same PCB.

-> Day1: with DAC-Code 2048 we measure f.e. 1,49950V (DAC Output), 

-> can we expect each day 1,49950V with code 2048
    or each time another value somwhere between (+/-1-LSB) 1,5V +/- 0,732mV?

  • Hi,

    Assuming your power supply to DAC is stable which is also the reference of the device, the output is going to be where it is provided you have given enough time to settle DAC, before the measurement.

    Now, if temperature changes from DAY 1 to DAY 2, you can expect DAC voltage to change based on the drift parameter of the DAC.

    you will not get another value unless your temperature changes or power supply changes.

    The +/-1 LSB you indicated is DNL, that is fixed for a particular DAC, if you use another DAC on same board, what you said is correct.

