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TSW1400EVM: Connection between ADC/DAC boards

Part Number: TSW1400EVM

Hello team,

My customer has several questions about board connection of TSW1400EVM. It would be helpful if you could give me some advice about the followings.

(1) Is it possible to use the TSW1400EVM by supplying the operating clock (100MHz and 200MHz) from outside the board?

(2) They would like to operate it by directly connecting it to the TI DAC board (DAC5675AEVM).
Is it possible to operate the DAC board at 200Msps?
They are concerned that transmission between boards will dull the 200MHz waveform and cause transmission errors.

(3) They would also like to operate it by directly connecting to the TI ADC board (ADS5463EVM).
Is it possible to operate the ADC board at 100Msps? The intent of the question is the same as (2)

(4) Is it possible to connect the DAC board (DAC5675AEVM) and ADC board (ADS5463EVM) at the same time?
They are concerned about physical interference and electrical shortage of connection pins.

(5) They would like to write their original RTL to the FPGA (STRATIX IV made by ALTERA) equipped on TSW1400EVM.
Could they obtain the FPGA development environment by purchasing the TSW1400EVM?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

Ryotaro Fukui

  • Ryotaro,

    (1) We have never tried it. You could use SMA J7 to bring an external clock to the FPGA or remove Y2 and add a wire between Y2 output pad and SMA J7.

    (2) Is it possible to operate the DAC board at 200Msps? yes. The EVM is rated for up to 400Msps. The LVDS signals are rated up to 1Gsps.

    (3) Is it possible to operate the ADC board at 100Msps? Yes.

    (4) Is it possible to connect the DAC board (DAC5675AEVM) and ADC board (ADS5463EVM) at the same time? No. The firmware can only support one ADC or DAC board at a time. This may work but would require new firmware that you would have to provide. We have no plans to add this feature to this platform.

    (5) Could they obtain the FPGA development environment by purchasing the TSW1400EVM? The firmware is available under the TSW1400EVM product folder on the TI website. You can download this now without purchasing anything.




  • Hello Jim,

    Thank you about feedbacks about 5 questions earlier. I got a reply from the customer, and they were mostly satisfied with the answer.

    However, about the 5th question, they are searching for the "FPGA development software" not the firmware.

    Is it also in the product folder? Since there was no file name that seems to be related to FPGA, I would like to confirm it.

    Best Regards,

    Ryotaro Fukui

  • Ryotaro,

    TI has spent a lot of money, time and effort on the software development and does not provide the source code to the public.



  • Hello Jim,

    I understand that I cannot give out information about the software source.

    Apart from that, we received a related question from the customer about the connection.

    It would be helpful if you could confirm that the resistance values of R5 and R6 of the DAC5675AEVM are correct. (Description 50 ohm-> Measured 500 ohm)

    Best Regards,

    Ryotaro Fukui

  • Ryotaro,

    R5 and R6 must be 50 Ohms. If they are measuring 500 Ohms, there is a very good chance the board assembly shop installed the wrong parts.

