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ADS41B49 datasheet issues.

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I noticed a few issues in the ADS41B49 datasheet:


  • On page 6, it is stated that RESET, SCLK, SDATA, SEN support 3.3v, which contradicts the absolute max on page 2 (AVDD+0.3). I assume the absolute maximum is incorrect - referencing the digital pins to AVDD is a bit odd. [Also, should the absolute max for INP/INM be referenenced to AVDD_BUF not AVDD I wonder?]
  • On page 21, the default value of the register is given as 00h, but the text says the gain bits default to 0101 [which would make the default 50h, I think].
  • Page 47, 'corretion' should be 'correction'.
  • Page 27, 'bit EN OFFSET CORR must be set' is misleading - 'only applicable when EN OFFSET CORR set' would be more accurate.
  • Page 46, On CMOS v. LVDS clocks, the first paragraph ('little or no difference') appears to contradict the second ('For best performance ... must be driven differentially').