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Writing to EEPROM (unlocked) of the CDCE62005 chip on a DAC34H84 Eval board

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I would like to store the settings for the CDCE62005 chip in the EEPROM as I need to move away from using the GUI to interfacing to the DAC via the SPI.  Unlike the DAC, the CDC chip's SPI pins are not immediately accessible, and thus I would be happy to program it once via the GUI and leave it.  The GUI seems to give access to locking the EEPROM permanently, but not just do a "Copy RAM to EEPROM – unlock"

Is this functionality available either via the GUI, or can you provide details on the underlying FTDI driver so that we could develop a quick console application?



  • Andrew,

    One way that I have tried is to load a register file with the EEPROM-unlock command 0F 0000001F once the CDCE62005 is programmed. The register file is attached.

    The steps that I have tried in the lab are:

    1. configure the CDCE62005. (or load the config file attached with the 0F 0000001F command removed from the text file).

    2. load the attached register file with the EEPROM command to write to EEPROM-unlock mode.

    You may write to EEPROM in lock mode, but you cannot to change the EEPROM again. The EEPROM-unlock command works pretty well for two EVM setup. I also have one customer confirmed that this approach worked for him.

    If you have any further questions on the CDCE62005, you may post your questions on the clocks forum. Thanks.


  • Thanks, that worked.  In the GUI you see the extra register at 09, but that doesn't affect operation.  Unfortunately the GUI doesn't update itself when you do a read all, and it doesn't appear that you can remove the CDC registers from the config file (to not update them) thus to prove that it all works.   I had to manually update the DAC settings via the GUI to prove the CDC had been configured properly