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DLPLCRC900DEVM: control board not recognizing compatible hardware

Part Number: DLPLCRC900DEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPLCR90EVM, , DLPLCR67EVM, DLP9000, DLP670S, DLPC900

Hi- I have the DLPLCRC900DEVM and DLPLCR67EVM and a few weeks ago some strain was put on the cables that connect the two boards and they stopped being able to communicate with one another. When I look at the DLP software the Status says "Controller/DMD Incompatible" even though they used to be compatible. All of the health light monitors on the control board seemed to be green and had good heartbeats so I thought it was something wrong with the DMD; however, after ordering a new board and cables, it is still not recognizing the DMD board. I did have to order a different board since the original board I had was out of stock, so I got the DLPLCR90EVM and the same error in the status area is coming up. I redownloaded the firmware and tried to update it in the software but it was giving me an error when I tried to do that. Since the status lights on the control board are still green I wanted to check before having to order a new control board, if there was anyway to fix this problem without ordering a new part. Thanks


  • Hello Cassandra,

    If you ordered the DLPLCR90EVM that is a different DMD and has a different firmware that you need to download or the firmware will not recognize the DMD.

    You need to update it with the firmware for the DLP9000 DMD.

    For example on my computer it is here:

    The fourth directory [DLPR900PROM-9000-v6.0.0] is where this resides for the DMD board you purchased.  It will not recognize the DLP9000 DMD if you reloaded the DLP670S firmware.

    If you did download the 9000 firmware, then it will be necessary to do some further troubleshooting.


  • I believe I already tried this.. Is this where you upload the firmware?

  • Hi Cassandra, this is correct. Just as a quick sanity check so I do not make any misinformed assumptions, does your setup under Chipset Type in the GUI look like the image attached? What about the firmware directory? The destination, by default should be C:\Texas Instruments-DLP\DLPR900PROM-6.0.0\DLPR900PROM-6.0.0\

    I also believe that Fizix was saying that you may not reuse your firmware that you had used for the DLPLCR67EVM on your new board. Because you have a DLP9000 now, you must use a different firmware. If you have done all these steps already, then let's try to dig a little deeper.

    If this still does not work, may we please get a picture of the error that occurs when you try to upload your firmware?

    *Please ignore any other settings not highlighted above. The setup above is not connected to any board, and it is purely an example of selecting the 2 OOB (Out Of Box) firmware images for the DLPLCR90EVM.

    Best regards,
    Michael Ly

  • Hi Michael, I have been sick the last few days- I will let you know once I start going into the lab again. Hopefully in the next few days,



  • Hi I have tried the above now and this is what occurs. First I get the bootleg update request and after I press yes I get this error. 

    This is what the status panel looks like when I plug in the board


  • Cassandra,

    Good news! I was able to exactly reproduce the same errors in the GUI, SW version 5.0.0.

    To do this, I did the following:

    1. Plug in the USB B cable from the host (computer) to the DLPC900 controller
    2. Power on the DLPC900 controller with a +12VDC, 5.0A power supply
    3. Wait for the the following LEDs to come on:
      1. D11 +12V GOOD
      2. D12 POWER GOOD
      3. D7 Primary Heartbeat (Toggles to indicate primary DLPC900 is operating)
      4. D9 Secondary Heartbeat (Toggles to indicate secondary DLPC900 is operating)
    4. Start a brand new instance of the GUI SW v5.0.0
    5. Look at the firmware version and tag to see if it matches the controller and DMD
    6. In the GUI, check the radio button under Chipset Type that says DLP9000
    7. Go to the firmware tab in the GUI
    8. Click the browse button
    9. Go to the root directory of the software
      1. Find the directory containing the firmware files for the DLP9000 DMD
      2. ***Delete the cached directory from previous firmware builds if it exists. This directory is named FlashLoaderCache
        1. This is a MUST here because you do not want to upload brand new firmware with old firmware cached already.
      3. Select the primary and secondary *.img files
      4. Click 'open'
    10. Click 'Upload'
    11. Get error asking about updating bootloader
    12. Click 'Yes' to update the bootloader
    13. Receive error: "Unable to read flash device IDs Error: Invalid command number : 0x15"

    To upload my DLPC900 firmware for the new DLP9000 I have:

    1. Look for J12 (HOLDboot jumper) on the DLPC900 controller and populate J12 so the two pins are shorted together
    2. Plug in the USB B cable from the host (computer) to the DLPC900 controller
    3. Wait for the the following LEDs to come on:
      1. D11 +12V GOOD
      2. D12 POWER GOOD
      3. D7 and D9 should NOT be toggling because we are in HOLDboot mode due to populating J12
    4. Start a brand new instance of the GUI SW v5.0.0
    5. Look at the firmware version and tag to see if it matches the controller board and DMD
    6. In the GUI, check the radio button under Chipset Type that says DLP9000
    7. Go to the firmware tab in the GUI
    8. Click the browse button
    9. Go to the root directory of the software
      1. Find the directory containing the firmware files for the DLP9000 DMD
      2. ***Delete the cached directory from previous firmware builds if it exists. This directory is named FlashLoaderCache
        1. This is a MUST here because you do not want to upload brand new firmware with old firmware cached already.
      3. Select the primary and secondary *.img files; please use the OOB (out of box) firmware
      4. Click 'open'
    10. Click 'Upload'
      1. The firmware should begin to upload now with no additional windows popping up
    11. When firmware is verified and done uploading, power off the DLPC900
    12. Remove/unpopulate J12 (HOLDboot jumper) on the DLPC900
    13. Repeat steps 2 and 3 (or even 2 through 4 if you want to be absolutely sure)
    14. Check the DLPC900 LightCrafter GUI and confirm the firmware version and tag match what you have uploaded

    Please try out the above and let me know if it solves the errors you have received from the GUI. I'm more than happy to help!

    Michael Ly

  • Yay! thank you that worked :))