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DLP3010LC: What is the difference between DLP3010 and DLP3010LC?

Part Number: DLP3010LC
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP3010, DLPC3438, DLPC3478

Dear TI experts,

My customer considers to change the part from DLP3010 to DLP3010LC, due to delivery issue.

I saw several E2E threads, but still i am not sure that DLP3010 and DLP3010LC are compatible both hardware(pin to pin) and software(firmware or something else).

1. Are DLP3010 and DLP3010LC pin to pin device?

2. Is there any difference of controller IC or PMIC between DLP3010 and DLP3010LC?

3. How about firmware? are there any differences?

Best regards,


  • Hello Chase,

    Overall, the DLP3010 and DLP3010LC are not compatible. While the pin-to-pin is identical, they require different controllers. The DLP3010LC requires the DLPC3478 whereas the DLP3010 requires the DLPC3438. The firmware is different as well.  

