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DLP3010EVM-LC: Turning the projector LED on/off using an pin

Part Number: DLP3010EVM-LC
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3478, DLP3010, DLPA2005, DLPC3470


We are controlling a DLP3010EVM-LC using I2C over USB.

We like to use a mechanical switch to indicate when a moving wagon is in the correct position. Once the wagon is in position we like to start projecting a constant pattern onto the wagon. This means we either need to simply turn on the LEDs or maybe change operating mode. We don't need to entirely turn on/off power the the entire projector unit.

We like to connect the switch directly to the projector without going trough the PC. The pattern we are going to project is constant will either be streamed to the projector or have already been transferred to the projector. There are several pins exposed on the projector. What pin can we use? Where can we find the electrical documentation for this?

A diagram of what we are trying to achieve shown below.

Best Regards


  • Hello Kristian,

    We will get back to you early next week. This is holiday week.

    Thank you for your understanding.



  • Hello Kristian, 

    Can you try using the SW_ON/OFF switch of the EVM which control the Proj_On pin of DLPC3478? If you just want to display 1 image once the switch is toggled, you can try using Splash display mode and keep the image saved in the flash. 



  • Hi Mayank

    Thank you for your reply.

    Where can I find documentation of what pin/GPIO the SW_ON/OFF switch is on the EVM? I have tried to look at the datasheets titled:

    • DLPC3478 Display and Light Controller
    • DLP3010 0.3 720p DMD
    • DLPA2005 Power Management and LED/Lamp Driver IC

    But I cant find the SW_ON/OFF switch.

    By investigating how your DevGUI is communicating with the projector I can see that:

    • Gpio 5 is used as"RequestAccessGpio"
    • Gpio 6 is used as "AccessGrantedGpio"
    • Gpio 9 is used as "StartTransactionGpio"

    However I cant find the corresponding documentation that matches these gpio numbers. Where can I find that?

    Best Regards


  • Hi Kristian,

    Details for the SW_ON/OFF switch can be found in the DLP3010EVM-LC User's Guide. You can also find the schematic by referencing TIDA-080003.

    GPIO information can be found in Section 5 of the DLPC3478 datasheet.



  • Hi Austin

    Thank you for your replay and links.

    Question 1
    Just to be clear we need to turn on/off the LED lights electrically over a gpio. The SW_ON/OFF switch appears to be physical switch? Can this switch be overridden electrically by a gpio? It do not look like it in the provided documentation.

    Question 2
    In the "DLP3010EVM-LC User's Guide" section 7.1 it appears that connector J14 can be used for the I2C interface. Is using this J14 connector the only way to electrically set a "gipo like" signal to turn on/off the LEDs?
    It also says "not installed by default" and I don't see the J14 connector on our projector. Was the J14 connector supposed to be bought separately or where we supposed to have bought another configuration of the projector? If so, please provide some details of what to buy.

    Question 3
    Ideally we also like to option to turn on/off the LEDs using I2C over USB. I assume we can use "Write RGB LED Enable" command with OpCode 52 (hex). Is that correctly understood?
    (The OpCode is from "Programmer’s Guide DLPC3470 and DLPC3478 Software Programmer's Guide")

    Best Regards

  • Hello Kristian,

    Thank you for your three questions. We will get back to you within the next few days with our responses. We appreciate your patience.



  • Hello Kristen,

    Thank you for  your patience.

    Question 1
    Just to be clear we need to turn on/off the LED lights electrically over a gpio. The SW_ON/OFF switch appears to be physical switch? Can this switch be overridden electrically by a gpio? It do not look like it in the provided documentation.

    You have to replace the machinal switch with circuitry for power ON & OFF. Please not that there will power time /delay whenever switch is turned on.

    Question 2
    In the "DLP3010EVM-LC User's Guide" section 7.1 it appears that connector J14 can be used for the I2C interface. Is using this J14 connector the only way to electrically set a "gipo like" signal to turn on/off the LEDs?
    It also says "not installed by default" and I don't see the J14 connector on our projector. Was the J14 connector supposed to be bought separately or where we supposed to have bought another configuration of the projector? If so, please provide some details of what to buy.

    The J14 connector is not installed on the EVM.  Please refer to reference design TIDA-08003 for  details about the connector and location on board.

    TIDA-080003 reference design |

    Question 3
    Ideally we also like to option to turn on/off the LEDs using I2C over USB. I assume we can use "Write RGB LED Enable" command with OpCode 52 (hex). Is that correctly understood?
    (The OpCode is from "Programmer’s Guide DLPC3470 and DLPC3478 Software Programmer's Guide")

    The I2C command "Write RGB LED Enable - 52h" is the best way to control illumination. You can experiment with this command in GUI in advance mode using batch command.

