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Part Number: DLPLCR65EVM

Hello, please remind

what is the "normal" temperature for DLPLCR65EVM?

What is the maximum permited temperature?

TI advice control temperature in 5 points.

Can you advice some designe to mount thermistors?

Is there somewhere the CAO of white fixing part?

Thank you.

  • Hi ,

    You may refer to the DLP6500FYE Datasheet Section 6.4 - Recommended Operating Conditions under the Environmental section to see the minimum and max operating temperatures. Please pay careful attention to the notes listed next to each spec.

    The notes reference other parts of the datasheet that tell you how to measure temperature, what test points to use when calculating temperature, what to avoid when designing a thermal solution, and so on.

    The socket you are pointing at in the image shown is the FoxConn PZ14927-1541-01F part. Please take a look at the part and its datasheet as well.

    Is there somewhere the CAO of white fixing part?

    May I ask what your question means here, though? Was CAO a typo? If not, I am not sure what that means.

    Thank you,
    Michael Ly

  • Dear Michael Ly,

    thank you for answer, I found info about températures in DLP6500FYE Datasheet Section 6.4 .

    "CAO" is computer aided design or CAD in french, sorry to not translate to english.

    So, you answered on this part of my question too, I found drawings of FoxConn part.

    Have a nice day,

  • Ah, the more you know! Thank you for clarifying for me. If your question has been resolved, may you please let me know by clicking the "This resolved my issue" button for my answer above? This helps other users find the answer quickly in the future if they have similar questions.

    Michael Ly

  • Finally le socket I was looking for is


    FoxConn PZ35021-2641-01H.

    Thank you in any case.

  • I think you mean PGA 350SOCKET rather than BGA, as these are for pins, but yes. This appears to be the case!

    Each DMD Datasheet should also have the packaging and mechanical information at the bottom for future reference:

    I will close this thread for now that it seems your question has been answered.

    Thank you!