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DLP2021LEQ1EVM: projection display

Part Number: DLP2021LEQ1EVM

I purchased 3 DLP2021LEQ1EVMs.
When I projected the image, a thin vertical ghost ghost appeared on the left side of the image.
It doesn't appear on a specific image, it appears on all images.
This is the same phenomenon for all three.

Please tell me how to remove this ghost display.


  • Hello User,

    This image artifact you see on one side is referred to as the ghost image artifact of the field lens optics. Unfortunately, it cannot be removed from the existing optical design. When a full screen image or content over the ghost image is displayed, the ghosting becomes less noticeable.



  • Hello Lori,

    Thank you for answering.

    We will be making the optical part, so please provide us with reference materials.


  • Hello Yasutoshi-san,

    I will need to check with our optical team and get back to you by the end of this week to see if we have more information. 



  • Hello Yasutoshi-san,

    As I mentioned above, the ghost image artifact cannot be completely removed from field lens design. It is due to illumination light reflecting off of the convex surface of the field lens and passing through the projection lens to the projection screen.

    There are three suggestions:

    1. To do a better AR coating on the field lens to reduce the reflection.
    2. Try modifying the curvature of the field lens and do straylight analysis to decide which location would be more acceptable for the ghost image.(For example, at the center of the image, since this place will usually always show content, so the ghost image can be covered up).
    3. Non-telecetric designs do not include a field lens and will not have the stray light artifact as seen in the pictures. If you go with this, we should be able to provide an example. 

    Please let me know if you have further questions. 

