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DLP4710EVM-LC: Some bugs in the firmwares of the EVM (DLP4710EVM-LC) leading to some patterns output droped errors.

Part Number: DLP4710EVM-LC
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPA3005, DLPC3479,


Hi, TI's experts! There may be some bugs in the firmwares of the EVM (DLP4710EVM-LC). I have tried different versions for DLP3479 ( FWSel_DLPC3479_DLPA3005_pm2_i2c0x36_v8p1p1.img,  FWSel_DLPC3479_DLPA3005_pm2_i2c0x36_v8p1p1_RED_LED_ONLY.img, and also the latest Ver. 8.3.0), which were download form

Here is the bug details.

Wen I use the DLP4710EVM-LC to continuously work in several hours (max 6h) in internal pattern streaming, some patterns drop in sometimes.  The pictures A~C shows the internal Patterns setting parameters.

Picture A

Picture B

Picture C

And I use a Mouse left click script to auto repeat click the Patten Control button of "Run Once" in 0.5s period. The trigger out 2 signal is used to trigger a high speed camera to capture the output pattern pictures of the DLP in each pattern output. I can sure the camera work well by test experiments.  In this condition, let the DLP EVM continuously work several houses,  we can find the pattern_drop error happened sometime. As showed in Pictures D and E, with different type errors. From the picture D error type, we can see 20 patterns pictures captured is right in every " Run once" click, but sometimes,  it lost several patterns. From the picture E error type,  we can not only find patterns-droped error, but also patterns mixed error.

What's more, I find this patterns-droped ERROR occured in Red and Green LED channel, but not blue led channel up to now. Can you fix this bug in these firmwares? Or provide a blue led only firmware for me to further test.

Picture D

Picture E

Thank you very much!

Hope for your reply.

  • Hello User,

    Welcome back to the E2E forums and thank you for your interest in DLP technology. We look forward to assisting you with this issue. 

    Please give our team some time to look into this issue and expect some delay due to July 4th holiday in the U.S. 


    Alex Chan

  • Thanks a lot. Additional setting parameter, I set the LED current at 12A.

  • Hello User,

    Thank you for the information, will get back to you as soon as possible. 


    Alex Chan

  • Hello,

    Could you further describe how these tests are run? I am trying to understand pictures D and E in your original post. Your row of pictures is 20 wide, with each test are you only testing one row of 20 patterns? In which case is it only row 4 that is having issues in picture D? 



  • In Pictures A and B, you can see I creat two group patterns   for vertical and horizontal pattern. and each group include 10 pattern. So, each test by  auto click "RUN Once" should have one row of 20 patterns. I have tested about 6 hours and capatured millions of pictures. There are several places appearing patterns DROP-ERRORs. Picture D and E are parts of  them with different type pattern DROP-ERROR.

    By these days testing, I found the temperature of the EVM may cause the ERROR, but I can not locate which chip run ERROR, DLPC3479, DMD, DLP3005 or LED?

  • Hello User,

    Thanks for the information. Please give our team some time to look into this issue further and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 


    Alex Chan

  • Hello,

    Can you describe how the pattern is dropped? Is just have of the display which does not show the pattern or is it always the full display which is dropped?



  • Take Picture D for an example. Normally, The DLP EVM output a pattern, the "Trigger Out 2" will output  a digital trigger signal. I use this signal to trigger a high speed camera to capture the pattern' output picture and store it. The picture D shows that the first 4 rows are correct according the patterns settting. But  the 5th row ERROR happening. The 5th picture from the bottom of this row should be 4  vertical pattern pictures (refference to the above row), but not be a black pattern picture.

  • Hello,

    I understand now, thank you for clarifying this.

    Have you tried varying the exposure and dark times? Could you test the following timings:

    • Pre-Exposure: 200 us, Exposure: 300 us, Post-Exposure: 40 us
    • Pre-Exposure: 200 us, Exposure: 4000 us, Post-Exposure: 40us
    • Pre-Exposure: 200 us, Exposure: 10000 us, Post-Exposure: 40us
    • Pre-Exposure: 1000 us, Exposure: 5000 us, Post-Exposure: 1000 us

    Please share the resulting behavior.



  • Hello, 

    Could you also upgrade your system to the latest firmware v8.3.0 found via the TI DLP Pico Firmware Selector Tool first? Similar issues were fixed in this release.



  • Thanks for Maximus suggestion, but as I said I have tried different versions for DLP3479 ( FWSel_DLPC3479_DLPA3005_pm2_i2c0x36_v8p1p1.img,  FWSel_DLPC3479_DLPA3005_pm2_i2c0x36_v8p1p1_RED_LED_ONLY.img, and also the latest Ver. 8.3.0), which were download form It includes the latest firmvare V8.3.0. By the way, I found the V8.3.0 a new issure, it cannot read the NTC temperature.

  • There is  a minimum setting time limit. Pre-Exposure is 256us, Post-exposure Dark os 46us. Exposure time is 200us, but the fastest frame is 180Hz  . As it shows in below picture.

  • Hi,

    Sorry please increase the timings to the minimum alllowed.



  • These days, I have tried the last group timings. It still droped the black pattern. And then, I refixed the "Trigger Out2" line to the camera,  the issue has not happened again up to now. Mybe the issue has been solved? 

    The V8.3.0 can not read the NTC temperature, can it be fixed?  And Can you provide a blue_only firmware? Thank you!

  • Hello,

    Glad to hear you got it working, yes ensuring the trigger in connection to the camera is important to ensure no patterns are dropped. I just noticed the thermistor is disabled in the DLPC3479 most recent firmware release. I will ensure this is enabled in the next release. In the mean time I have sent you an E2E friend request to coordinate giving you blue LED only firmware with the thermistor enabled.

