Part Number: DLPLCR4500EVM


What is needed to run an external controller for the light source?

1) Jumpers on: J28, J30, J13, J15, J12, J10

2) correct pin connection cable on J29 to the external controller (to use our external light source)

What else is I missing?

  • Hello Bryant,

    1) Jumpers on: J28, J30, J13, J15, J12, J10

    J28 - This is the reference voltage select for the voltage translator U42.  You can also supply the reference voltage on J29 pin 11.

    J30 - Must be populated to disable the on board LEDs and use an external LED driver.

    J13, J15, J12, & J10 are trigger related and should not be needed since the controller runs the sequence, even if patterns are triggered.

    2) correct pin connection cable on J29 to the external controller (to use our external light source)

    This will depend a bit on how you plan to control your external LED driver.  At minimum you will need the LED enables for the controller to modulate the LEDs for the PWM sequences. Pins 5, 6, & 7.

    If you want to use the LED PWM (for current) from the controller then you would connect the LED PWMs - Pins 8, 9, & 10 (note this is not the sequence exposure PWM listed above).  If you plan to control the LED current's through your own controller separately, then you do not need these pins

    You can use pin 11 to supply a reference voltage for the voltage translator, or you can use J28 and feed the reference voltage to your LED controller.

    Pins 1, 2, & 3 are the 12 V supply for the on board LED drivers.  This could be used provided your driver does not draw more power than the onboard LED's would.

    Pins 12, 13, & 14 are ground reference and must be connected to your LED driver for voltage reference.

    What else am I missing?

    As far as I can think of this should be it.  If I think of anything else I will let you know.
