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DLP4500NIR: How to Use Light for the DLP4500NIR

Part Number: DLP4500NIR


How do we know how thick the beam of light to shine on the DMD and what thickness the beam will be when reflected?

How does using SWIR light change the calculations?

Any resources on how to integrate a DMD into an optical system?

  • Hello Nigel,

    You should be able to purchase cards that you can charge up with visible light that when exposed to NIR light will flouresce to show the beam.  I know for 1550 they make them. Ideally you want to fill the array and aperture the light to be shaped like the active array.  SWIR should not change the optical characteristics.  Now if you are using monochromatic light then the location of orders will be changed by the wavelength.

    The NIRSCAN reference design shows optical design for a spectroscopy system. 
