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Hi - I'm working on the extended pattern sequence command via a TCP connection. Everything is working well for me between 2 and 80 images. I noticed above 80 images I'm starting to receive issues (ex- 81 images or 100 images). After taking a look at the GUI - I'm noticing that above 80 - the number of images presented in the dropdown selector are in intervals of four: 80, 84, 88, 92, 96. When I try these numbers - everything uploads and works fine, but again - I can't do 81 or 100 images. Since the manual says that the extended pattern sequence can take up to 1500 images - I was hoping to display more than 96 images. To be precise I was looking to sequence 360 images. Since 360 is divisible by 4 I would think it would work - but I'm receiving an 'failed with unknown error' response when I try to do this. Please let me know if I'm missing something in order to achieve more images within the pattern sequence.
Thanks so much,
I just wanted to send a follow-up message since I haven't heard back. Please let me know if there's a way to use more than 96 images with the extended pattern sequence. For reference I'm using 1bit images. Thanks in advance!
Hi Robbie,
I would suggest to do the following.
1. Check the DM365 f/w version. Make sure it is 3.31
2. For Extended Pattern Sequence to work, you need to ensure that there is minor change is made on the System Board. Install 0Ohm resistor at R205 location. Without which the extended pattern mode won't work. The same problem is discussed in this thread
Sanjeev - thanks so much for the detailed response and the forum reference. Both the f/w version 3.31 and 0Ohm R205 are correct on my board. I still can't get more than 96 images on the board however. My settings are: bit-depth: 1 - sequence number 180 - input trigger type is Auto - input trigger delay 0 - trigger period delay 30000 - exposure time 0. I understand that the minimum trigger period is 18000 so I would think these settings should work. Do you have any other ideas why it might not be allowing me to go above 96? Do my settings seem alright to you?
Thanks again for helping! I really appreciate it!!! - Robbie
Hello Robbie,
In your description above "Sequence Number" 180 you meant 180 number of binary patterns. Is that correct? Let me try here and getback to you with more details.
Sanjeev - Yes, that's what I meant by "sequence number". Thanks so much for all your help. I'll stay tuned to hear if you had a successful test.
Hi Robbie,
For 1bpp pattern sequence mode, between 80 - 96 the ONLY possible values are 80, 84, 88, 92, 96. No other numbers is possible for selection in this range, for example, 81, 95,etc... However if you go above 96 it is possible to select any number. In your case 97,98,99,100.... so will work.
Note, the above things are by design and it is NOT possible to alter the behavior of the hardware.
Now, As per your information the pattern sequence, 1bpp 180 patterns 0-exposure time and 30000uSec trigger period, trigger type = auto I tried on the hardware it works fine.
One clarification, how are you able to judge it is not working?
In my case I have embedded the pattern # in the binary image. This seems to work well. I am able to notice visually all the numbers shown.
Hi Robbie,
One more question, you mentioned you are seeing "failed with unkown error"? Can you let me know when it occurs? Is it during uploading of images or when you start the sequence.
Sanjeev - I'm sorry for the delayed response (I was out of town for a week). I really really appreciate your help and for taking the time to test out my settings. To be more specific about where the error occurs:
For anything above 96 images - I receive a successful message when setting the extended pattern sequence settings. I also receive a successful message for each uploaded bitmap. I receive an error when I write to the projector that it should start the pattern sequence. The error packet I'm getting from the projector is: 1,4,2,0,1,0,1,9
Seems odd to me that it throws the error on trying to start the sequence since everything up to it came out successful. Does this information give you any other clues to why it might not be working? Sorry I didn't provide this information sooner and thanks again for helping.
Please check you have these two things in place.
If you have these two things on the kit then i don't see any reason why it should fail. It should work.