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I made my own DLP4710 PCB which is almost same as the DLP41710 EVM.
I succesfully connected my PCB to PC through USB.
I downloaded ASIC firmware to flash memory for DLPC3439.
I also downloaded correct source code to MSP430.
When I first pushed the button to turn on the light and supply power to DMD, it was not the same with what I look on the EVM.
I think that the DMD is not working.
When I plug out the flat cable from DMD PCB, the EVM is showing the same symptoms as one on my PCB'.
By this reason, I'm suspecting the connection between DMD and my PCB.
Only different things between my PCB and the EVM is just U3 connector.
My PCB doesn't have the connector and flat cable.
A DMD is directly mounted on a interposer and my PCB.
I need to make sure the connection between DMD and my PCB.
I want to read register of DLPC3439 and DLPA 3005 to know what is wrong.
Is there any way to communicate with DMD, DLPC3439 and DLPA3005 ?
Yun-Seok Cho
Hi Yun-Seok,
I have a few questions:
When the flat cable is not connected on the EVM, basically the DMD is not connected to the controller, so I'm not sure which symptoms you are mentioning.
Also the 4710 GUI has an Advanced tab that can be used to read some of the registers on the controller.
Hope this helps.
Dear Sepeedah,
Yes, I'm working with an optical manufacturer.
The ASIC firmware what I'm using on my PCB is from the backup of DLPLCR4710 EVM-G2.
Yes, I can provide my schematic.
If I explain about the symptoms , it is like this.
1. Without DMD
When I pushed the On/Off button "SW21", the LED's of "D34" and "D33" were not turned on. And the LED of "D57" was turned off for a while and turned on again.
2. With DMD
When I pushed the On/Off button "SW21", the LED's of "D34" and "D33" were turned on and the LED of "D57" was off.
In my knowledge , if there is no power on DMD, I can't read any information at the Advanced tab of GUI.
The signal, "PARKZ", comes from DLPA3005.
In my case, the signal of "PARKZ".is never turned off. That means, there is a fault on DPLA3005. Am I right?
That is the reason why I need to communicate with the DLPA3005.
Please, show me a good direction.
Yun-Seok Cho
Yun Seok,
The symptoms you mention are right and are the expected behavior.
However, looking at your schematic, it seems you do not have the correct pin mapping for the DMD. Please make sure you follow the pin configuration mentioned on the reference design schematic on p. 7:
Hope this resolves the issue.
Dear Sepeedah,
You are right!
There was a mismatched pin mapping on my schematic.
I attached a modifed schematic file.
Could you please check that out?
Yun-Seok Cho
Since you had mentioned the only difference on your schematic from the reference design is the DMD connection, I only checked the DMD mapping and it is matching the reference design schematic now.
Please make sure to provide a pdf file of your schematic in the future if needed since I initially was having some trouble opening the file.
Let me know if there are further questions.
Dear Sepeedah,
I did correct the mapping between DLP4710 and DLPC3439 as like the attached shematic file.
And I made a new PCB and did test it.
But there was nothing changed.
DMD is connected throuhg an interposer to pads on PCB.
I want to have a confidence that DMD is connected to PCB very well.
Is there any way how to make sure the connection between DMD and PCB.
I mean, I'm asking you if there is a way to communicate with DLPC3439.
You mentioned about two kind of "ASIC firmware" before.
Do I need to test both of them?
Yun-Seok Cho
Hello Yun-Seok,
Are you still seeing D34 and D33 off? Those two LEDs are connected to HOST_IRQ of the slave and master controllers. This signal goes low when initialization of the controller is complete. If HOST_IRQ does not go low, it may be an indication that the controller is not initialized. If the controller is not initialized then it won't be possible to send commands to the controller and read the registers. Please refer to the DLPC3439 datasheet to better understand the sequencing of the signals.
Regarding the ASIC FW, if you're using the pin mapping on the EVM schematic, and FW backed up from the EVM, that should be fine and they match.
We will need to probe some signals on the board to understand the fault. However, before that, could you please double check the connections on the board to make sure you don't have any disconnection problem or there isn't any kind of alignment issue etc? Also, are you using the same power supply as the EVM?
After that I would recommend the following steps:
1. Check that you have a stable 3.3V, 1.8V, and 1.1V voltage rail on the board. Please acquire simultaneous scope shots of these rails along with INT_Z when you attempt to turn on the projector.
2. Please acquire simultaneous scope shot of these signals as well when attempting to turn on projector:
Dear Sepeedah,
Thanks for your recommendation!
I checked and monitored the below signals while pushing the button of SW21.
1. 3.3V, 1.8V and 1.1V
-> It looks fine.
-> M_HOST_IRQ and S_HOST_IRQ were always 'HIGH".
-> There was no singal on VBIAS, VOFS and VRST.
4. SPI signal bewteen DLPA3005 and DLPC3439
-> I can't see any signal and clock.
-> There was no signal .
What do you think about this problem?
According to the datasheet of DLPA3005, the internal signal of "DMD_EN" comes from DLPC3439 throgh SPI and it initiate VBIAS,VOFS and VRST.
Does it means that DLPC3439 doesn't send any command to DLPA3005?
I'm veyr confusing about power sequence.
What is the first problem between of DLPC3439 and DLPA3005?
Yun-Seok Cho
Dear Sepeedah,
There was a DOA(Dead on arrival) part!
After replaceing with a new one, I can see normal signal like the below pictures.
When I push the button of SW21, I can see that DMD is working.
But a problem is that DMD is not kept to be ON.
When I push the button of SW21, DMD is turned on for a short time and automatically turned off .
Please, refer to the figure#4.
What kind of condition makes the DMD to be truned off ?
I did also download another virsion of firmware from the above site and write it to flash memory.
But it was not working.
Yun-Seok Cho
Hello Yun-Seok,
What part was DOA? Also, what power supply are you using? Do you have the LEDs hooked up? Having the LEDs hooked up to the DLPA3005 is very important.
It appears the issue arises when PARKZ (also know as INTZ) goes low in figure 3. This is typically because the DLPA3005 has seen a fault, see section 9.1 of the DLPA3005 datasheet. I would check around if you have a short to ground or some other over current draw the DLPA3005 is detecting.
I am a bit confuses about the timing of figure 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows HOST_IRQ high and figure 3 shows HOST_IRQ go low. Is this before and after PROJ_ON is applied?
As Sepeedah mentioned it would be helpful to get PARKZ (INTZ), 1.1V, 1.8V, and 3.3V in a scope shot. This could tell us if the loss of power is preceded by PARKZ going low. Probably nothing but in Figure 1 the 2p5v line looks lower than the others.
~Danny W
The DOA part was the X3 oscillator.
Figure2 is before pushing the sw21 button.
Figure3 is showing a switching time from projec off to on.
I capture and add a scope image showing the signal of 1.1V, 1.8V , 3.3V and PARKZ.
At this experiment, I pushed the sw21 button two times
When I first push the button, there is nothing changed.
If I successively push the button, the DMD is working for a short time.
I also think that the DLPA3005 might got faults.
According to the datasheet of DLPA3005, it has registers to store fault list.
Is there any way to access to the registers of DLPA3005.
Yun-Seok Cho
Hello Yun-Seaok,
Did you have the LEDs hooked up when performing this test?
~Danny W
Hello Yun-Seok,
Thanks for the quick reply. Interesting, it is possible the DLPA3005 was damaged when powering it up with no LEDs connected. Do the LEDs turn on at all when you power on the board? Do you have a second board or part you can try that has not been powered up without LEDs?
Also, can you still communicate with the controller when the DMD turns off?
~Danny White
I have a second board but is as same with the first one.
In my case, the LED light source doesn't affect anything.
Even the DMD is off, it is available to communicate with USB.
In this case, the signal of PROJ_ON and PARKZ is still high.
Yun-Seok Cho
Hello Yun-Seok,
That sounds like it could be the problem. For debugging purposes can you attached all of the LEDs (even if some of them come from a different light engine)? Then power up the board.
Once the DLPA3005 sees an error it will not come up even if you disable the LEDs. That is why you are not able to see anything even after you disable the LEDs.
If this fixes the problem we can supply you with custom firmware that will run with only 1 LED connected.
Let me know your result.
~Danny W
Hello Yun-Seok,
Good! I am very glad to hear that.
I will hope to get you the custom firmware around the middle of next week. I hope that suits you well. You will receive an email to the address you provided when it is ready.
~Danny White
Hello Danny!
I'm still waiting for your firmware.
Can I receive it within this week?
Yun-Seok Cho
Hello Yun-Seok,
It should be available sometime today. Thank you for your patience.
~Danny W