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DLP2000: VGA connection to DLP2000 EVM

Part Number: DLP2000
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TVP5151, DLPC2607, TFP401, DLPDLCR2000EVM


I come here with hope. I am trying to connect a DLP2000 EVM to my laptop to project images from the laptop. The DLP2000 user manual states that the chip can accept video in RGB format. I would like to use VGA RGB pins but I can't find the appropriate pins on the EVM to connect to. Could someone help?


  • VGA will not work with the DLP2000 EVM. A video decoder such as the TVP5151 can be used to convert an analog VGA input to a digital format compatible with the DLPC2607. The DLPC2607 has a 24-bit RGB input that can be configured to accept many different digital video formats.

  • Thank you for the clarification. I will have a look at TVP5151. In the meantime, is there another way to use an 'external' video source using perhaps HDMI or DVI? Thanks again for your time.
  • Jaiyam,

    In general, you will need to use a decoder to convert whichever video stream format you choose into an RGB888-compatible format. If you want to interface your system without using a video converter, I recommend using either the BeagleBone Black or Raspberry Pi. The BeagleBone black can be interfaced out-of-the-box, and the Raspberry Pi can be interfaced using a cape such as this:

    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Philippe Dollo
  • Hi, thanks for the advice. I have already got the EVM working with a raspberry pi and it displays the images from pi. With this question, I was hoping to get the EVM to display images from an external video source such as another PC connected to the EVM by HDMI or VGA. I see that VGA cannot work directly with the EVM as pointed out by someone since VGA produces analog signals. I was wondering if HDMI can be used. I am quite willing to use TVP5151 if it is easy enough for a non-professional to figure out. Thanks for responding and let me know if you have any pointers on any of these.

  • HDMI is a digital interface but it also cannot be directly connected to the input of the DLPC2607. At minimum a device similar to the TFP401 needs to be used to interface HDMI to the DLPC2607.

  • Thank you Kevin. That was very helpful. I will give a shot to TVP and TFP devices and update this thread if I get somewhere. It is slightly disappointing that the EVM is not able to interface with external video sources on its own. Thanks for the pointers
  • Jaiyam, the DLPDLCR2010EVM, DLPDLCR3010EVM and DLPDLCR4710EVM all support HDMI video input. They use a different controller device (the DLPC343x) and they are more expensive. The DLPDLCR2000EVM was designed to be very low cost. The expectation is that it would be used with a processor front end.