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DLP2010: Shifted image on powerup.

Part Number: DLP2010
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC3430, , DLPC3435, DLPDLCR2010EVM, DLPA2000


Our current setup is a third-party projector using a DLP2010 DMD, being driven by the TI LightCrafter EVM (DLPDLCR2010EVM, using DLPC3435, DLPA2010 chip-set).  The projector is connected to the LightCrafter with a customer connector.  We've also been able to reproduce the issue in another setup, using our own hardware, which use the DLPC3430, and DLPA2000 chip-set (which do not use the custom connector I previously mentioned).  

The issue is that when we continually re-power / reset the device we are seeing a missing column of data, and the image is shifted but still in the correct order.   When we change the image, this artifact remains. 

I've included two pictures, from the Lightcrafter setup.  The first picture is the correct test pattern, which was shown on reset.  The second image is the what was displayed when we reset again.  The issue does not occur all the time.  It takes several resets to reproduce the issue.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if there is any more information that I can provide.

Thank you very much for your time.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Craig
Design Engineer
Avalon Holographics

Correct Test Pattern


Test Pattern with Error




  • Hello Stephen,

    I have several follow-up questions:

    1. What version of firmware you are using?

    2. How is test pattern sent?

    3. Is missing column in same location or changes? Does it happy with any test pattern? If yes, could you please run experiment with checker board pattern? 

    4. you wrote - "The issue is that when we continually re-power / reset the device we are seeing a missing column of data, and the image is shifted but still in the correct order.   When we change the image, this artifact remains. " 

      Once this problem occurs, it behaves same way for all inputs i.e one column is missing all the time.



  • Hi Vivek,

    I'm still waiting to here he firmware version from one of my colleagues. 

    To answer the rest of your questions:

    2.  The test pattern shown is the default splash screen that comes up with the projector is powered on. 

    3.  The missing column location does remain the same.

    4.  Yes, when we power up and the error condition is present it remains there until the projector is powered down.

    I will get back to you as soon as I know the firmware revision number.

    Kind Regards,
    Steve C.

  • Hi Steve,

    Can you send me the patterns in a zip file, i will try to do the same at my end.

    How many splash images you are adding in the firmware ? How you are updating the splash images in firmware? 



  • Hi Navneet,

    Sorry about the delay.

    We haven't been able to get the firmware for out setup, yet.  We have limited people with access to the lab with the EVM setup, currently, and they have been busy with other pressing issues.  I can tell you that that the EVM was purchased in the first quarter of 2018, and the firmware has never been updated. 

    The image I've included in the original post was what was present on powerup.  We aren't sure where is comes from:  whether it is a stored image, or something from the test pattern generator.  

    We have seen the issue when we load an image via the DLP MIPI interface, or if we just use the DLP test pattern generator. 

    To recreate the issue in the EVM (The attached pictures) we had to automate toggling the power to the EVM, and capture the image using an SLR, to compare and see if the artifact was present.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can provide. 

    Kind Regards,
    Stephen Craig

  • Hi Steve,

    In one of the comment you mentioned these are default splash images. Are these default splash images ?

    As you mentioned you haven't updated firmware since you purchased this EVM, I am not sure which firmware version you are using.

    A lots of update has been done since then, I would suggest you to update your firmware to latest version (available here :

    Please check the result on latest version and let us know if you still see any issue.



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  • Hi Navneet,

    I'm uncertain as to the source of the images.  I'm still trying to ascertain when they reside; if they are stored in memory on the projector, chipset, or on the EVM, or if they are just generated by the test-pattern generator.  It is the image that is present when we power on the projector.

    I don't believe the EVM and it's firmware are the source of the issue.  We've been able to recreate this issue using our own board to drive the projector, and still see the issue.  We've experienced the issue with the following setups:

    (1) TI Lightcrafter EVM (DLPC3435, DLPA2010) connected to a projector.  It is a third party projector, using the DLP2010 DMD.  We connect to the projector using a custom PCM connector.  The custom connector is a simple PCB with the mate of the EVM connector and the mate of the projector's connector. 

    (2) Proprietary PCB (DLPC3430, DLPA2000) connected to the projector directly.  In this case he chipset is driven by an FPGA instantiating a MIPI D-PHY core to provide data to the DLPC3430.   

    We have recreated the issue with multiple boards, and multiple projectors, so it likely isn't an issue with a particular board. 

    I have some more information that I can provide, if you email me at, I can send it to you directly, that I cannot on a public forum. 

    Thank-you for your time.  It is greatly appreciated.  

    Kind Regards,
    Stephen Craig

  • Hi Stephen,

    I am sending you the friend request on e2e forum, please accept the request, we can discuss the things which you can not share here.

    I also have some followup questions that i will ask you in private chat.



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