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CCS/TMS320C5515: TMS320C5515 eZdsp USB Stick in CCS v7

Part Number: TMS320C5515
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CCSTUDIO

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


Is is possible to develop for the TMS320C5515 eZdsp USB Stick in Code Composer Studio version 7 ? I've been trying to look for a way for some time now, but it seems I need to revert back to version 4 of CCS. It would be great to see how, if someone has successfully endowed CCSv7 for this.

Thanks, Shanyi

March, 2017

  • Hi Shanyi,

    I've notified the C5000 team. Their feedback will be posted here.

    Best Regards,
  • Sandor,

    I'm not sure about CCSv7, but please check on CCS v6. It should work.

  • Alright Lali, I'll go with version 6 for now and report back here.

    In general though, what is the issue with CCSv7 and this board? What would we need to make them work together?

    Thank you for the response.


  • Sandor,

    I'm checking with the CCS team on this and will get back to you.


  • Sandor,

    Could you please post the errors and problems you are seeing when using CCSv7 with the 5515 ezdsp? Is it compilation related?
    Do you have C5000 support installed in CCS and the correct BIOS v5 and C55x compiler installed?


  • Lali

    Here is what I got so far:

    I started with a fresh install of CCSv7, choosing "C5500 device support" during the installation process.

    Verified in "Installation Details" that there is a "C5500 device support 1.1.7" from Help->Installation Details.

    When I tried to create a new project, it complained that there is no compiler for this device, so, in App Center I selected "C5500 Compiler" -> "Install", waited for it to finish, then restarted Code Composer Studio. After that App Center said "C5500 Compiler is up to date".

    In the New Project window it still says: "No compilers are currently installed for this device-family. Click 'View > CCS App Center' to install a compiler before creating a project for this device." But I did that already, so now I can't proceed.

    Also, in Device Manager (Windows 7 machine) I looked for the "TI XDS100" drivers. I expected them to be installed with CCS, but they are not there so in the "New Project" window I cannot verify the connection to my TMS320C5515_USB_Stick board connected with a USB cable. It should look like this:

    This is from ""

    What's missing?

    Thanks, Shanyi

  • Shanyi,

    Please see this other thread on using CCSv7 with C55x. There seems to be a bug in the IDE as it pertains to the App Center not adding the compiler.

    Could you try and hand-copy the compiler folder to C:\ti\ccsv7\tools\compiler?
    So, you will have the compiler path as C:\ti\ccsv7\tools\compiler\c5500_4.4.1

    The compilers are available as an independent download here:

    Also, once you have done this, ensure that your CG_TOOL_ROOT in the project properties is correctly set to point to the compiler location, otherwise you will get compilation errors.

    Hope this helps.
