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Linux/EVMK2GX: Remapping L3 to an uncached region

Part Number: EVMK2GX

Tool/software: Linux

I have a PCIe device writing into L3.  I want to remap L3 to an uncached address range.  Which ranges are valid to use and what do I need to do to keep linux from trampling my chosen range.

I've tried using 0xC0000000 (and other base addresses), and adding a carveout in the resource table, but the mapped addresses don't read back correctly.

	uintptr_t L3 = 0x0C000000;
	uintptr_t mapped = 0xC0000000;
	CSL_XMC_XMPAXH high = { mapped >> CSL_XMC_XMPAXH_BADDR_SHIFT, 0x1B };
	CSL_XMC_XMPAXL low = {  L3 >> CSL_XMC_XMPAXL_RADDR_SHIFT, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0 };
	CSL_XMC_setXMPAXH(2, &high);
	CSL_XMC_setXMPAXL(2, &low);
	CACHE_disableCaching(mapped >> 24);
