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When I used programmatically(python pgm) access order API to create an order,I got a 500 err and then message is "The API is temporarily unavailable. Please retry, if the issue persists, Please contact TI customer support".I thought it's a server down in a short time.But I have tried some times in two days.I still get the err.Even I use the order API portal(,It's the same.So could you please help me?
data = {
"order": {
"checkoutProfileId": "###",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "test001",
"endCustomerCompanyName": "dethfield",
"customerOrderComments": [
"message": "this is my first order"
"lineItems": [
"customerLineItemNumber": 1,
"tiPartNumber": "TLV62084DSGR",
"customerPartNumber": "product001",
"quantity": 1,
"customerItemComments": [
"message": "product001"
"customerLineItemNumber": 2,
"tiPartNumber": "TLV62084DSGT",
"quantity": 1
order portal:
Please ref the attache file.
Hi Jeff,
The order requests you are sending look fine, and the API is not down. We're looking further into why you are receiving a 500 error, and will get back with you by tomorrow.
Hi Jeff,
We're still looking into it, but don't yet have a resolution. I'll provide an update by the end of our day today.
Hi Jeff,
We're still working on this. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Jeff,
Sorry this took some time, but we've found that your address is failing an address validation check: Kwun Tong is not a city in China. is expecting you to select your region as Hong Kong and proceed from there. Or if you have another China address, you could use it instead.
Bank transfer is not currently a payment option for Hong Kong, but you can use Apruve line of credit in USD for TI store API purchases. You can find more information on setting up Apruve at and
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
Hi, Paul.
Thanks for your suggestion, i created a new checkout profile ID using a China address. (i sent the new checkout profile ID to you by a privite message.)
the 500 error is disappeared but another error happened as below.
"errorCode":"ERR-TICOM-ORDER-API-0009","type":"Validation","section":"Generic","field":null,"reason":"Your bank transfer order does not meet minimum order value requirements for your country","message":"Resubmit the request with different payment options. For additional information refer to
below is my API request payload:
"order": {
"checkoutProfileId": "*****",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "test001",
"endCustomerCompanyName": "dethfield",
"customerOrderComments": [
"message": "this is my first order"
"lineItems": [
"customerLineItemNumber": 1,
"tiPartNumber": "TLV62084DSGR",
"customerPartNumber": "product001",
"quantity": 1,
"customerItemComments": [
"message": "product001"
"customerLineItemNumber": 2,
"tiPartNumber": "TLV62084DSGT",
"quantity": 1
Hi Jeff,
Once we realized that the issue was with the Hong Kong address, the CNY bank transfer payment method was disabled for this company account account. Since you updated the address, now the CNY bank transfer has been re-enabled.
Please try it one more time.
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