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Part Number: TI-API
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LV164A


Relating to the: Product Information API, method "Get/product/{ProductIdentifier}

Is there a way to get all the possible product combinations info by providing partial product identifier?


When providing SN74LV164AD as an product identifier is it posible to retreive results on all products containing these values(SN74LV164ADR, SN74LV164ADBR, SN74LV164ADGVR)?

  • Hi Tomasz,

    You are not able call the product information API using a substring or wildcard search, but you are able to retrieve information for a "family" of products by using the GenericProductIdentifier query parameter.

    If you call the product information API for one of the part names you know (e.g., the response includes a GenericProductIdentifier as follows:

        "GenericProductIdentifier": "SN74LV164A",

    Now you can call the product information API again for all products that are associated to that GenericProductIdentifier with , which will return product details for 8 products under SN74LV164A including each of those you listed.

    I hope that helps.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Paul, 

    Please confirm whether I understand it correctly. Your response means product information API does not allow you to search with incomplete generic part number as TI Store allows? For example when I put "SN74LV164" on TI Store, it suggests me "SN74LV164A" which is correct, complete generic number, while product information API gives no result for request with incomplete Generic ex. "SN74LV164".  We have to enter generic part number perfectly. In case generic is written wrongly we will get no results. Is that correct?

    Best regards, 
    Dominika Suwaj

  • Hi Dominika,

    Yes, the API is looking for an exact match on either the part number or the generic part number or it will return "Product not found"

    Best regards,

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