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Part Number: TI-API


We are trying to access TI application from SAP system to generate token using URL:  by providing Client ID and Client secret.

But getting error "Failed to verify peer certificate, Peer not trusted". Please do the needful.

  • Tejas

    What Certificate are you looking for, most customers are calling TI IP Addresses for our API connections.  Let me add a little more info here.  I believe you are asking of our public certificate when you connect to TI  since this is a certificate is signed  by standard authority. The public certificate is provided when you connect. (openssl s_client -connect -showcerts) Since our cert is signed by a standard authority, you should not need to do anything to trust it as long as you the customer are using a stock modern CA bundle.

    Additionally TI has IP Addresses used for PUSH data documents to our customers, you may need to whitelist so that when we respond TI is not blocked due to firewall issue. More information on IP addresses can be found at

    Learn more about Oauth here or contact support", Details on the authentication requirements can be found at  You may be sending your credentials as a JSON payload, while the API is expecting Form URL-encoded data.

    For reference, the body in a sample Insomnia request would look like the following:

    And the header should contain:

    another way like this

    Please request your access token without additional parameters - -> as seen here.

    • The request should be sent to the appropriate URL above without any additional query parameters.
    • The request parameters (grant_type, client_id, client_secret) must be in the request body, sent in a string, separated by "&" without any further encoding.
      For example: "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=[CLIENT_ID]&client_secret=[CLIENT_SECRET]."
    • The access token is valid for 60 minutes. Before using the token in other APIs, check whether the access token has expired.
    curl --request POST \   
           --url \   
           --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \   
           --data grant_type=client_credentials \   
           --data client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \   
           --data client_secret=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  • Tejas if you as our customer has enabled certificate validation on your side.

    Please see the attached file which will help you validate the certificate used for

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