TI-API: Backlog test order not accepting quote number

Part Number: TI-API



I am facing a weird issue while integrating the backorder API into my systems. When I try to create a test order using the backlog API, I run into an error. 

    "code": "TI-TXT-096",
    "type": "ERROR",
    "reason": "Quote is invalid, has expired, or being processed",
    "message": "Correct the quote number or create a new quote and resubmit. If this is a new quote, allow two hours for processing before resubmitting your order. For help, contact TI API Support ">api-portal.ti.com/support"

I'm using a quote that I generated using the same items on my test order. I've tested making an order immediately after receiving Bid status on all my items in the quote, and I've tested the day after that quote was generated. Additionally, I've verified that my system was properly sending the quote and ordering requests to the /test routes. What I'm left on is whether the test API would normally behave this way or if I'm doing something wrong when I build my order request? For reference, I have been providing the quote number and not the customer quote number. I've also been providing the customerAnticipatedUnitPrice attribute. 

I would like to try to use a valid quote on a test order before our system is deployed to our production servers to make sure we don't have some kind of typo. I can provide my request JSON data if necessary as well. For reference, the quote number I was given to make the test order is #26934820

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