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TCAN1051-Q1: Transmission Method

Part Number: TCAN1051-Q1

Hey Team,

I was looking into how the TCAN1051DRQ1 communicates for TXD and RXD and couldn't get a solid understanding.

Are they duplex or half-duplex? Could you give me a brief description of their operation?

Dajon McGill

  • Dajon,

    The CAN protocol is half-duplex, meaning over the CAN bus (CANH and CANL), only one node can communicate at any given time, besides when devices are competing for priority during arbitration. TXD is the transmitted signal from the controller, that is to be translated by the transceiver into a CAN bus signal. The RXD signal is what is reported back to the controller from the CAN bus, translated into logic levels for the controller.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.


    Eric Hackett