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DS110DF410: Un-lock phenomenon depends on specific temperature

Part Number: DS110DF410

I would like to ask you some questions about DS110DF410SQ as below.

My customer has found the phenomenon that the device has "un-locked" when the temperature is changed.
The configuration of their circuit is following.

Optical Signal OUT : Framer ---> CH0(CDR) IN --- CH0(CDR) OUT ---> SFP+ ---> BER Tester
Optical Signal IN : Framer <--- CH1(CDR) OUT --- CH1(CDR) IN <--- SFP+ <--- BER Tester

The un-lock condition has happened at output signal path "Framer ---> CH0 IN" (0ch input).
And the un-lock has happened in case specific temperature change around "+20 deg - +17 deg".
(During the un-locked condition, BER tester has showed "LOF".)

And the "un-lock" condition is automatically recovered to "lock" condition under the following conditions.

1) Temp chaned under the specific temp range (under +17 deg)
2) Ch Reg 0x0A[3:2] = "11" ---> "00" (executed adaptation of Ch0)
3) After taking out and put in the receive cable of "SFP+ <--- BER Tester" path, the Ch0 "un-locked" is changed to "locked".
4) In case of setting Ch0 is "Bypass mode", the "un-locked" phenomenon has not happened.

Q1) Will you give me a comment or advice about this phenomenon?
Q2) About recover case of "3", in this case, Ch0 condition(signal out side) has been changed by Ch1 side (reciver side) condition.
       Will you tell me your idea about the root cause of this phenomenon?
Q3) This phenomenon has happened at 2 devices (both are different lot number).
       Do you know if this kind of phenomenon depends on "lot" number?
Q4) I attached CDR register setting file.
       Will you check it if there are some mistakes?

Thank you for your support.
Best Regards,

CDR setting.xls