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SN65HVD1782-Q1: current consumption at 10Mbps

Genius 9880 points
Part Number: SN65HVD1782-Q1


Customer want to know if we have data for the current consumption of RS485 and RS422 (100 ohm load) at 10Mbps that we can provide to them. Or If there is a graph that extend up to 10Mbps with 54 ohm load and 100 ohm load. Will it be possible to provide this information?

Thank you in advance.


  • Maynard,

    Please see this post outlining how to calculate RS485 power dissipation. Essentially, the total power is split up into 3 parts: power dissipated through the IC, power dissipated through the bus load, and AC power dissipated through the capacitive load at higher data rates. That post explains the three different parts of the power dissipation along with equations. There is also an application note referenced in that post that shows examples of calculating the power dissipation.

    Take a look at those posts and let me know if you have any other questions.


    Eric Hackett