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DS90UH929-Q1: Generate interrupt on source connection

Part Number: DS90UH929-Q1


Is it possible to configure DS90UH929 to generate interrupt and forward it to deserilizer over FPD link when there is a source connect or disconnect?

If yes please let me know the configuration to be done.

Best Regards,

  • Hi Prasad,


    No, source connection/disconnection is not a condition for generating an interrupt on the DS90UH929. Additionally, interrupts can only be passed upstream from deserializer to serializer using the INTB pins.


    What is your intended use case for needing this feature?




  • Hi Ryan,

    DS90UH929 is a remote device over FPD link via deserializer. We want to get an interrupt on the deserealizer when a source is connected to the serializer. Serilizer is always connected to deserializer, only the input source is connected  and disconnected.

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Prasad,

    Thanks for the information. My apologies for the confusion here as I was only thinking about INTB.

    You can use the LOCK pin on a 92x/94x deserializer to achieve this functionality. When there is not a source connected to the serializer, the FPD-Link will be running on AON clock and the LOCK pin on the 92x/94x deserializer will be low. When a source is connected, the source clock will be used for the FPD-Link and the LOCK pin will go high. 

    Please let me know if you have any questions about this implementation.



  • Hello Ryan,

    when we want to detect just the source connection/disconnection when serializer is always connected, deser LOCK pin with RX-LOCK disabled should work?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Prasad,

    Yes, that is correct. RX-LOCK should be set such that LOCK is only set when valid video data is sent from the video source to the serializer. Please see below for an example with the 948 serializer:

