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TCAN337: vs TCAN337G

Part Number: TCAN337

Dear Danny,

as a follow up to, are there any difference to EMC performance?

Since TCAN337G can support higher Data rates, does this mean the EMC performance will be better at lower Data rates (TCAN337)?

Thank you in advance,


  • Needhu,

    Thanks for reaching out. From a system-level emissions perspective for an entire bus or design, CAN communication speed plays a role as you mentioned. However, speaking specifically about the TCAN337 and TCAN337G devices, there are slightly different testing specifications for the higher data rate G devices. That being said, you should expect extremely similar performance between G and non-G devices.



  • Dear Danny,

    following up on the question, what is the physical difference between the two ICs?

    For many timing characteristics, we provide only the typical value in the DS, for example Tr/Tf. Are there changes on the Max and min values?

    Thanks and best regards,


  • Hi Needhu,

    There are no design differences between the G and non-G versions, so in theory they are the same hardware. However, because the G device goes through a stricter test program, it is guaranteed capable of meeting the specifications for higher data rates. The non-G devices are not tested as strictly so they are likely to perform well at higher data rates, but we cannot guarantee this behavior because we do not screen these units for the tighter margins. 

    Eric Schott

  • Needhu,

    The difference is only in the testing of the final silicon. The parameters stay the same.


    Eric Hackett