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TCAN334: Recommended Passives

Part Number: TCAN334


The data sheet provides recommend values for R5 and R6 for the suggested layout on page 31, but does not provide recommended values or a range of values for some of the other resistors and capacitors. We were wondering if TI recommends values or a certain range of values for these other components. Specifically R1, R2, C1, C5, C6, and C7. 

Thank you, Keith

  • Hi Keith,

    R1, and R2 is mainly used to limit reflections seen on long traces between the MCU and Transceiver, usually these are smaller resistor values but these should be tuned during testing. You might find that you don't even need them and you can therefore populate them with 0 ohm resistors.

    C1 is not necessary, if you would like to slow down the rising edge on your TXD pin you can included it.

    Refer to this post that goes over how to select C5-7.

    C6 - is the split cap it should be between 4.7 to 100 nF. You only need this is you are using split termination on the bus.

    C5 and C6 are additional filtering caps, these are not necessary either but offer additional filtering. You want to make sure you don't over load the bus with capacitance. Every component that you add to bus has parasitics and will degrade the transceiver's performance. These are usually between 10 pF to 150 pF max. When you have multiple devices on the bus you should be sizing these on the lower end closer to 10 pF.

