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ONET4201LD: Can the ONET4201LD or ONET4211LD work below 155 Mbps?

Part Number: ONET4201LD

Is there any restriction (other than validation for operation by TI) on running either of these devices slower than 155 Mbps? Is the minimum spec due to hardware limitations (e.g., internal ac coupling of clocks) or is this only a validation issue (e.g., the part will theoretically work at 1 Mbps, but it is not validated to operate at that speed).  I would like to use these devices at speeds from 1 Mbps to 10 Mbps - if possible should it be DC or AC coupled?

  • Hi Rick,

    Just responded to the internal E2E case i had created earlier. Here is the same response:

    Hi Rick,

    Part was not designed or characterized to operate at this low data rate. I am worried they go ahead and design this part but 1-2 years down the road there is an issue.We should make sure they are aware of lack of characterization and design target.
